Saturday, April 20, 2024

Frankfurt book fair: Martin Sonneborn comes as Stauffenberg and steals Höcke the Show

Friday afternoon, shortly before 17 PM. Unlike in the previous year, the appearance of the AfD-politician Björn Höcke is not intended to provide ground covering for riots, and reporting. So, the exhibition management has the event of the Manu Scriptum-Verlag in a...

Self-Experiment: The Handke-Experiment

I'm rowed with Peter Handke, I have eaten with him the mushrooms, I went with him through the forest, I sat with him on the Sofa and on the wall, staring. I walked with him through the broken Berlin. I was with...

Frankfurt book fair: A thousand-page Porno

The Problem with literature begins in front of the wardrobe: What should I wear? I don't know anybody here, don't want to be noticed right at the beginning because of disregard of the code. For the award of the German book prize I reject...

5 Things to Expect During Your Dental Implant Surgery

People often forget the importance of proper dental hygiene. Many are not aware that it is not an issue of aesthetics as it is of health. While of course aesthetics are important and we all want to have a perfect smile, many other organs...

Becoming a Lifesaver: Your Bloodborne Pathogens Certification Journey

Bloodborne pathogens are not just words confined to medical dictionaries; they have real-world implications impacting various sectors, from healthcare to tattoo studios. Recognizing their critical role in infectious disease transmission highlights the importance of bloodborne pathogen certification in numerous industries. This certification is more...