A group of more than a hundred lung doctors calls for a critical Review of the effects of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides on health. In a statement, the doctors Express considerable doubt as to the scientific methodology in determining the limits and demand a re-evaluation of the studies. There is currently “no scientific justification for the current limits”, they write in their opinion.

The physicians ‘ group criticizes especially that the data for the risk from air pollution “are extremely interpreted one-sided”. According to the doctors, other factors such as lifestyle, Smoking, alcohol consumption or movement much stronger impact on disease incidence and life expectancy.

Initiator speaks of the “ideologization of the debate”

the criticism of The Doctors refers mainly to studies in which scientists – including the Helmholtz Institute in Munich and the Berlin Charité – diseases and life expectancy of regions with different fine dust or nitrogen oxide emissions compared. Accordingly, there is an increased incidence for dust-loaded areas and risk of death. Air pollutants are diseases of the lung, but also with cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke as well as Diabetes.

fine dust What is air pollution?

Dirty it is outside by pollutants from different sources: industry, road transport, agriculture, energy production and nature itself. The cleaner the air is, the less likely people suffering from seizures to strokes, heart disease, lung cancer or respiratory disorders such as Asthma. Also people have proven to be longer, if you can breathe fresh air. The medical journal The Lancet (Landrigan, 2017) estimates that air pollution is worldwide, approximately nine million premature deaths.


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