International lung specialist doctors have defended a common opinion in Germany, the applicable particulate matter and nitrogen oxide limits. The Forum of the International lung societies (FIRS) to agree to the national German Standards, European Standards and those of the world health organization (WHO) strongly stated in a in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published opinion.

The experts based their assessment, in order that the air pollution is damaging not only the lungs but also other organs. Also worsen chronic diseases. The limits are chosen in such a way that even for the chronically Ill, significant negative effects on the health can be excluded. “FIRS thus strongly supports international Standards. Each activity is for a clean air promotes good health”, – stated in the opinion.

The FIRS is a merger of various international pneumological professional associations. Is headed currently by Professor Tobias Welte of Hannover Medical school.

The scientists set themselves explicitly against the assessment of the group of more than 100 lung specialist doctors, which launched last week a new debate about the health Benefits of the current pollutant limit values. The lung specialists of Dieter Köhler, the former President of the German society for pneumology and respiratory medicine (DGP) did not see any sufficient scientific justification for the current values. The limit values are the basis for diesel driving bans in several German cities.

Meanwhile, the Federal Association of pulmonologists, sleep and respiratory physician (BdP) was critical to the debate. The Position of the group of Köhler stand in essential Parts is in marked contrast to the pneumological scientific societies and professional associations published opinions on the relevance of air pollutants for the health, it said. The objections of the 106 pulmonologist – from a survey of over 4,000 members of the DGP – represented in no way the opinion of the majority of the German lung doctors.

as low-emission air

According to a recent online survey conducted by the Association more than three-quarters of the responding members in oxides of nitrogen a Marker for poor-quality air, of the standing representative for the other, often much more dangerous pollutants. A majority of the respondents was also of the view that a discussion on the methodology of studies should not lead to a trivialization of the effects of air pollution, informed the BdP. Rather, the disputed evidence should lead to improved Evidence.

fine dust What is air pollution?

Dirty it is outside by pollutants from different sources: industry, road transport, agriculture, energy production and nature itself. The cleaner the air is, the less likely people suffering from seizures to strokes, heart disease, lung cancer or respiratory disorders such as Asthma. Also people have proven to be longer, if you can breathe fresh air. The medical journal The Lancet (Landrigan, 2017) estimates that air pollution is worldwide, approximately nine million premature deaths.


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