
The duck remains for a very long time in the oven – a whole eleven hours. But the Wait is worth it: you will have around kross.

©post hotel Herrmann

duck and Whole fried for Alexander Herrmann anything other than the ordinary court, even if he offers it up in his Bistro meanwhile, daily. He still can amaze you, for your smell, your taste, the Combination of crisp skin and tender, juicy cooked meat. “Just the smell when you open the oven, this sensual Moment – is unique,” he enthuses. “A roasted duck will always remain special, because you get them so rarely. Many people do not dare to approach you because it is a part of finger tip feeling, you good – crispy on the outside, cooked through and juicy. If one served a duck that I know Of has tried.”

Alexander Herrmann

chef interested TV viewers of Alexander Herrmann in numerous broadcasts and well-known commercials. Currently he is the host of the show “pot hunter” in the ZDF, which runs Monday to Friday at 15.05 PM. He was most recently seen as a judge on the cooking show “The taste” on Sat 1. Previously, he had been “cooking” for years his own show in the Bavarian radio and presenter and Juror was in “The kitchen battle” at the ZDF. In addition, Herrmann also appeared in other cooking shows, such as in the “ARD-Buffet”, or “Lanz kocht!” on ZDF, and has already brought several cook books out.

However, Herrmann is not only a TV chef and book author, he also operates the Herrmann’s post hotel in Wirsberg, since 1869, owned by a family, including a five-star restaurant, a Bistro and a cooking school. He is married and has two children.

Herrmann has a strong emotional bond to the court which is to eat a lot more than a favorite. It reminds him of his Childhood, to his grandma and her ruffled apron, the whole family, which met on Sundays. His parents had operated a tavern, the duck on Sunday family tradition. Herrmann lost his parents very early – they died when he was nine years old. Maybe the duck is also a symbol for the ideal world – even if it had actually always been in dispute.

“I know, like my grandma snuck in the kitchen to the right and to the left a little skin from the duck abzuzupfen, where she was particularly crispy,” he says. “My father has annoyed the insane, but she simply would not. When he scolded, and she waved me off and said: ‘Yes, the people, the people, the skin not like her so much’. What was wrong, of course – on the contrary!”

best fresh from the oven

Herrmann, the former guest house of the parents of today, meanwhile, has prepared countless ducks – the court has become a classic in its Bistro. Around 50, he served up each week, in the summer it is less, maybe 25, but in the Winter there were weeks in which he needed every day, ten ducks. This was to cope with a major logistical challenge, he says.

“A duck is particularly good when it comes straight from the oven and immediately served,” says Herrmann. Only: prepared Fresh you need to an hour, until she was ready. If it must go fast, be the bird after 45 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius, but until the order in the kitchen of the country, the cook the duck from the cooling house, and brought in the roasting pan I put, pass away another quarter of an hour. “As long as no guest is waiting today,” says Herrmann.

“Even if it did: A single duck I can cook so so, but what if I need ten ducks? Then I have as a cook to a Problem, because I don’t have ten Stoves,” says Herrmann. You have to cook the duck so, and later briefly under the Grill until it is crispy. “Although this is not quite as perfect as fresh out of the oven, but still very good.” However, it was difficult to calculate. “You either have too many or too few ducks. Both are bad. The a means, not to disappoint guests, the other is a clear economic loss, because the next day I can sell a ready-cooked duck. The tastes is no longer.”

The Confit as a brilliant idea

So it was that Herrmann and his chefs thought of a way to solve this Problem permanently. A classic of French cuisine was the Confit. Here, the meat is cooked mostly whole pieces of duck or goose, so, chest and legs – in the exuberant, fat, at a low temperature to make the meat tough. Because if the fat cools and becomes solid, it forms a kind of protective cover against oxygen and bacteria.

One of them had the brilliant idea to cook whole duck a Confit. Around the outside of the duck is not surrounded already by a layer of fat, so why? A total of Herrmann and his chefs happy with a good three months working on the recipe until it was, for their purposes perfectly.

a Lot of time and patience

It has been proven, the following approach is ideal: The duck is wrapped tightly in clear film, which protects it from drying out. Then the duck is at 69 degrees Celsius convection oven and gently cooked for eleven hours. “We have found that If the meat reaches a core temperature of more than 69 degrees, denatured the protein. Then it starts to dry up. If the hearth-and-home but not so exactly set, but also 70 degrees,” says Herrmann.

The advantage of this method: After eleven hours at this temperature, the duck breast and the thighs will not be ready at the same time, which is a classic preparation of the case – as the legs need longer than the breast. The duck meat, as in duck Confit, a strong duck taste. “And now comes the Interesting,” says Herrmann. “The skin is cooked, but not degreased.”

Like a Confit, the so-cooked meat, but it is durable – without any flavour loss. You can keep it without further two or three days in the refrigerator.

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the duck is then ready to serve, remove the foil and cook again for 20 minutes in a hot oven on a grid. In this case, the excess grease is pressed out and the duck is from all sides evenly brown and crispy – not only at the top, as otherwise if it is cooked in the roaster and in its own Sud. The succeeding auch home, as Herrmann emphasized. “This is a recipe with Geling guarantee.” If you want to serve guests, you can cook it a day or two before. “Then in the evening, ready in 20 minutes and perfect, this is absolute madness!”

Four years ago now, since then, Herrmann and his team have developed this method. Take advantage of today. “For me, every day can be Sunday,” says he, “except that the grandma herumzupft to the skin.” Heal the world today means also: a duck with whole skin.

Sonja Helms can follow here on Twitter: @shelmss.

If you’ve worked up an appetite: On the next page, you can find the recipe for Alexander Herrmann’s “duck in the Whole in the oven crispy fried”.


The duck remains for a very long time in the oven – a whole eleven hours. But the Wait is worth it: you will have around kross.

©post hotel Herrmann duck in the Whole in the oven crispy fried

For 2 persons

Zutaten1 duck (à 1.2 to 1.4 kg)salt preparation

The duck under running cold water for a short wash, with kitchen paper, Pat dry, and the rump cut. Then, with the salt from the inside and the outside seasoning. Several times now in clear view foil from all sides tightly wrap.

On a baking rack on the middle rack of the oven at 70 °C, fan oven cooking for 11 hours. (Commercial is cling film safe up to 120°C heating.)

Now take the duck out of the oven, at room temperature, let it cool down and carefully remove the foil and cut. The foil from the duck off and now either the duck directly for further processing or in fresh cling film wrap and either in a refrigerator (2 to 3 days) or freezer (3 to 4 weeks).

Should be a frozen duck, it must be prior to further processing thawed. 30 minutes before Serving the duck the oven to 220 °C top and bottom heat preheat and the duck on a baking rack in the middle of the oven push.

Directly beneath a baking sheet and push. (The Roasting of the duck fat from the skin. This is collected on the sheet and does not burn in the oven.) Important: All of the 10 minutes, the resulting fat from the sheet drain.

After 25 to 30 minutes, the duck is perfectly crispy and roses. Remove from the oven, place on a cutting Board set, 3 to 4 minutes, let it rest, and then the drumsticks, and breast pieces, cut and serve.

This works well with a duck breast if a whole duck is too much. But then it should be a ducks-double-breast on the bone. This piece only needs nine hours in the oven at the same temperature.


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