The past year for Aldi Nord is a special, because the Discounter must first be reported in the history of the company in the red for the business in Germany. Just one percent of the discounters increased sales – the bottom line is that it puts a Minus, the group confirms the star. Blame it on the picky customer is not or supply shortages, but rather a very late-launched investment program. That was supposed to make obsolete stores fit for the future. But now it rained on your parade of profits. Very smoothly, the modernization should not be lost.

For Aldi North is a “small shock”, the “Lebensmittel Zeitung”. Because the company is out of food was spoiled success. Rising sales and an inevitable market power: Aldi dictated long as the rules of the game in the food retail sector. You reduced prices, also had to tighten the competition, to be able to counter the heavy weight. However, the success seems to have a certain amount of convenience. Because while even the discounters-brother Aldi Süd, modernized the stores continuously and the range of goods is updated, the rest of Aldi Nord for a long time.

And so the differences between Aldi North and South are showing discernible: While finishing in the South of the Republic, but quite appealing markets, went shopping, stayed Aldi North of the old currency from the cheap and a little lieblosem market faithful. According to the original idea of the founder Theo Albrecht. Bare walls, goods on pallets or simple metal shelves – churning why money in the markets, when it comes?

discounters in the crisis, Aldi Süd problems Of Katharina Grimm

But it no longer did. The food shopping has changed rapidly in recent years. An experience industry expert, people want to spend a sensual time in the stores. Or, at least, a customer toilet and a small stand-up Café find. Of the two we stopped at Aldi North little. The investment backlog is called the. Instead of in small increments, a modernisation push, fell into the neglected branches more and more and increasingly lost the connection. Because competitors such as Lidl had already much earlier, the modernisation initiated.

Aldi Nord modernized – but very late in the day

Aniko (Aldi Nord in-store concept) should usher in the turn. “More than 100 years of Tradition are no reason to look old” is the title of discounters, the new concept. The 2300 stores were converted, starting in 2017.Wider aisles, brighter and friendlier, new lighting concept, the Development of fresh goods on offer and trained staff – so Aldi North is to convince future customers. Point cost of the entire action: around five billion euros.

“spring cleaning” Everything must go: Why Aldi Nord is planning a large residual item-action

Aldi Nord makes spring cleaning and selling action of the past weeks were in a big special post action. Completely voluntary, this does not happen – Aldi has to be planned with optimism.

But exactly this tag is now on the case trick. Because every week, around 40 branches were closed, in order to be pimped. Six to eight days they were tight and the revenue was. But not only that was a Problem. The new branches come with a larger range of goods. Also, apparently there were difficulties with supplies, and the personnel division. The employees were trained and will now have to take on other tasks, for example, in the case of the fresh baked goods. That didn’t work well.

Aldi Nord gives error

The Management acknowledges that it is paying today the price for sleepy infrastructure measures, the “Lebensmittel Zeitung”. Now another billion-dollar program to support the conversion. How much money should go, says Aldi Nord. However, the means must be enormous. “The shareholders are the course and are ready to invest in the company,” says Torsten Hufnagel, the lead since September, the group of companies, Aldi Nord, to the “LZ”. Aldi Nord to counter massive. “As the counter-measures we are planning a significant growth course with significant investments in personnel and infrastructure. This is not a savings program, but a growth program. Neither in Germany, nor in Europe is planned for removal; on the contrary, we systematically build staff”, so Aldi Nord on the request of the star. Apparently, the funds that were budgeted for the reconstruction measure is not enough. However, loans to shareholders do not need all of the measures would be serviced from the cash flow, of Aldi Nord, on demand. The family Albrecht, behind the Aldi Nord, should have never taken out a loan.

supermarket Aldi and Lidl competition: How a Russian Discounter in Germany Also in 2019 wants to conquer, no gains for Aldi Nord

Torsten Hufnagel to tear around the rudder. Only in the autumn, he had inherited his predecessor Marc Heußlinger, had continued the course of the company’s founder, Albrecht and strongly on the innovation brake came. Hufnagel is one of the authors of Aniko. Already 60 percent of the branches are to be modernised. According to Aldi Nord, the renovation will be completed this spring. A ray of light is not the not necessarily – for the year 2019 it is estimated to eat with a Win on the home market.


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