An American teen enthusiastic in the last week, the Internet. The story of Dorothy shows two things: How young people nowadays on their phones and how much better you are familiar with the possibilities of modern technology than their parents. We don’t know much of Dorothy: it operates for a few months on Twitter Ariana-Grande-Fan-Account, on the shares is excessive, Videos, lyrics, and photos of the singer, comments and connect with other Fans discussed. We appreciate you, therefore, to about 14 to 16 years. It appears to be American – and since the 5. August handylos.
Dorothy will have to do without your cell phone
Something must have hired Dorothy. Maybe you forgot your Using in the household because they had about Ariana Grande tweet? Maybe it was pirated at a concert of the pop star? We can only speculate. The consequences but we know: as punishment, her mother took it from her Smartphone. With Dorothy which led to a small nervous breakdown. What should think of your Twitter Followers, if you all of a sudden, and to hear without justification was nothing more? She felt the urgent need to explain the situation.
And she was really creative:
“I’ll go, forever. My mother took away my Smartphone. I’m going to miss you all so very much. I cry. It’s good!”, writes Dorothy. A little dramatic, Yes. The most interesting, the Info is here, from where the Tweet was sent to:
Fullscreen ©Screenshot Twitter
The Teenager was smart enough to remember a function of your Nintendo 3DS game console, you can also share images on Twitter. Almost Dorothy brilliant! Unfortunately, you left your Nintendo open in your room lying around – and, of course, their mother came later and noticed the new Tweet on the Display. This was not good for the stricken girl:
Very inexperienced with the Internet and the social networks also Dorothy’s mother is apparently not. Because the wrote now a furious Tweet with Dorothy’s phone, to Dorothy’s Twitter Account. “I’ve seen that Dorothy has used with your Nintendo Twitter. This Account is now closed!” Harsh Words.
There is always a way – if you get creative
But when Mrs. Dorothy thought her daughter, now in her restrained, she has deceived herself. The teen was in his Frustration and despair only still creative.
“Hello, my mother has my cell phone and Nintendo DS ways to be taken to my, so I have no choice but to use my Wii. Thank you for all your support. I’m trying to answer your message and follow you, if I can’t get a stable connection with Twitter,” writes the girl on the game console. What you do not do anything!
Later there is a brief glimmer of hope: As the mother out of the house, makes Dorothy be banned on the search for your confiscated equipment. The phone can’t find them anywhere – but at least your Nintendo DS! “I have found my DS!”, she soars on Twitter. “I am tonight with my friend Harriet, that is to say, I can be active! Oh, my God!”
On the short joy of a lower case
in the following, We do not know what happened, but it ended badly for the Teenager. The mother was obviously not happy about the fact that your offspring needs the Wii to the Tweet, and then also even the hidden Nintendo DS back Robert had. Again Dorothy’s technique accessories have been taken into custody – and this Time really all. Yes, even the Wii.
someone Believes that Dorothy was able to stop it? Well, believe it someone? No – in contrast to her mother, the girl knows, which household appliances of your residence to have a connection to the Internet. And a last Tweet follows on your Account. And, in its own bizarre way, is absolutely gorgeous. Really.
“I don’t know if this can be sent here, I’m talking to the refrigerator. Son of a bitch, my mother has taken away all my electrical appliances.” And she tells no nonsense, as you can see under the Tweet appears as the source in fact, “LG Smart refrigerator”.
Fullscreen ©Screenshot Twitter, Many are impressed by your enthusiasm
The little Drama in the house, Dorothy moved because of the desperate Cleverness of the teenager more and more circles. On Twitter, claimed many users amused with the Hashtag #free Dorothy the permission for the teen to tweet again, and may your Smarthphone to use. And of so much passion, someone was ultimately very excited about that, it affects you personally: Twitter.
#free Dorothy
— Twitter (@Twitter) August 6, 2019
With its official Account, the company supported the freedom of the claim for Dorothy. But so far, it remained silent on the Fan Account. The mother is holding a grudge apparently. But you must recognize one day how much energy and enthusiasm it is that your daughter – and then the girl may be tweeting, hopefully, to your heart’s content about Ariana Grande.
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