Global telescope

Black holes are invisible, because they swallow everything, even light. What is beyond its “event horizon” (event horizon), it can never get out. Therefore, researchers are interested in the radiation from the immediate surroundings of the objects. However, no single telescope has the resolution to make a recording. For this you have to switch plants around the world to a virtual super-telescope, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

What is measured?

In the composite, the unit forms a virtual antenna, which is almost as large as the diameter of the earth. The largest single radio telescope, the Large Millimeter Telescope in Mexico, is currently, its parabolic antenna, measuring 50 meters in diameter.

From where is it measured?

Arizona (1): Heinrich Hertz Sub-millimeter Telescope (25 m diameter); Hawaii (2): James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (15 m), Submillimeter Array (8 parabolic antennas à 6 m); the Antarctic (5): South Pole Telescope (10 m); Mexico (4): Large Millimeter Telescope (50 m); Chile (3): Alma (66 parabolic antennas of 12 m), Apex (12 m); Spain (6): Iram telescope (30 m)

Far away

Black holes are burnt-out, collapsed star. The sun exceeds their mass killed ten thousand times, talk to an astrophysicist of the super-massive Black holes. Even objects with billion solar masses are known. Six dark giant took the unit to the visor. Has a special interest in two of them. Sagittarius A* (on the left in the picture) is the Black hole at the center of our milky way. Its mass is the size of four million suns. In the middle of the galaxy and Mercier 87 (center) sits a black hole of six billion solar masses, which ejects a particle stream (called a Jet). The two are of different size and at different distances from the earth. From here of view, they seem about the same small as a tennis ball (to the right)on the surface of the moon.

Rotating giant

super-massive Black holes rich sitting in the midst of spiral and elliptical galaxies. So if you imagine your set-up: Jets (2): At the poles of the Black hole, strong magnetic fields, particles hurling into space. They form beams (“jets”), and they send out Radio-, light -, and x-ray waves. Accretion disc (1): around the Black hole, Gas and dust whirl in high speed. They form a disc of super-hot material that emits radio waves. This betrayed earth radio telescopes, the Position of the Black hole. Singularity (3): What is assumed for the Interior of a Black hole, stretched the imagination (and is an exception to the theory of relativity): The mass is so dense, their attraction is so large that any conventional description failed. Event horizon (4): It represents the limit from which a return is impossible. Matter and radiation (such as visible light) that exceed him, to be devoured. That’s why Black holes are black. The innermost stable Orbit (5): to overthrow The closest orbit for matter in which this danger is not running, irrevocably into the Black hole. Photon sphere: The hot Plasma in the accretion disk emits light particles, i.e. photons. The powerful attraction of the Black hole forces on circular orbits. As a kind of halo (“halo around”) to the event horizon.

What appear to be a image

could clarify Because the luminous matter rotating around the hole, it should be Light, and not equal to light as an approaching police siren sounds higher, would have to the side, the hindreht to the earth, and brighter. The hole itself would have to appear in a black spot.

What drives the huge Jets, some of the giants to All of a skid? Magnetic fields from the disc or caused by the rotation of the Black hole itself? And such Jets arise at the centre of our milky way? This could be answered by a recording.

The physics at the event horizon is extremely. A recording of the surroundings of the Black hole, one can compare its Geometry with those calculations, which are based on the General theory of relativity – and in order to test whether Einstein was right.

read in TIME ONLINE an analysis of the initial results of the worldwide telescope project.

Illustration: Jochen Stuhrmann, Anne Gerdes
sources: Astrophysical Journal; ESA; ESO;; the Max-Planck-Institute for radio astronomy, Bonn; Nature


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