In Germany, were set in 2018, a total of 868,7 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions – around 38 million tons, or 4.2 percent less than in the previous year. This is the Federal Ministry for the environment announced, and refers to a forecast calculation of the Federal environment Agency. For Germany it is the first significant reduction in call after four years of Stagnation.

Significant reductions in Emissions, there was, according to the forecast in the energy sector, as well as in private households. Also in the transport sector, emissions decreased slightly.

As the reasons for the decline of the climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions, the Ministry called for a return of the consumption of fossil energies and the unusual weather. The paragraph was dropped in the case of fuel oil significantly.

Minister Schulze penetrates to climate protection law

“Germany to 2018 has obtained significantly more energy from Wind and solar and less coal, Oil, and Gas burned,” said the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD). The decline in emissions is partly due to the Weather and other special effects, he shows, however, that the “climate protection act, measures such as green electricity expansion, the Coal phase-out and emissions trading”.

compared to 1990, Germany has reduced its emissions according to the figures available so far, to 30.6 percent – 40-percent-reduction target for 2024 is to reach, as already before the publication of the current Figures became clear.

According to the coalition Treaty of CDU/CSU and SPD, we need to reduce emissions by 2030, even by at least 55 percent. This goal, the Federal environment Minister, Schulze, could reach Germany, but only with “a binding timetable and clear responsibilities”. The SPD-politician reminded once again, therefore, the design for your climate protection act, which would have to be, according to this year decided to “Germany comes back on target”.


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