Climate change – greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to a new high, The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere weather organization increases, according to the World annually. There was no evidence for a Change in this trend, the UN Organisation. © Photo: STR/AFP/

The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is according to the measurements of climate researchers have never been so high. According to the world meteorological organization of the United Nations (WMO) in Geneva, the average global concentration of CO2 in the past year rose to 405,5 ppm (particles per Million particles), according to 403,3 in 2016 and 400,1 in the year 2015.

“There are no signs for a reversal of the Trends contributing to long-term climate change, sea level rise, the acidification of the oceans, and more extreme weather situations,” said the WMO. “Without a reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, climate change will have devastating and irreversible consequences for the earth,” said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. The opportunity to intervene, is almost wasted.

The researchers also warn against the effect of the banned refrigerant CFC-11 or Trichlorofluoromethane. Trichlorofluoromethane is a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), which is similar to how a greenhouse gas and the ozone layer is damaged. Since 2010, the production of CFC-materials international is prohibited. Since then, the ozone layer is recovering, according to current knowledge, slowly, but already in the year 2016, was now thin.

climate researchers at the WMO measured the decrease of CFC-11 in the atmosphere, since 2012, has slowed down considerably. This is also what other studies suggest. In addition, the cooling medium is manufactured according to the WMO still in some East Asian countries have made it illegal. Because it has an extremely long lifetime in the atmosphere – up to several decades, the effect of the CFC-ban was only with great delay. Scientists believe that a full recovery of the ozone layer is only expected to be in about two to three decades.


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