Than last year the researchers He Jiankui announced that he had changed the genes of twins successfully so that they were HIV-resistant, there was quite an Outcry. Technically, biological method, Crispr/Cas9 can for example be of the molecular long been sick off by the end of the genes targeted, the use in humans, however, remains controversial. Now, the German ethics Council has presented a 230-page opinion to the possibilities in the germ line to intervene.

The 26-member expert panel is concerned with ethical questions about the acceptability of such interventions.

Genschere Crispr : The man creating a new © Science Picture/ genetic engineering : Crispr-Explorer require a global stop of the embryos try to Crispr : the desire to have the babies? Not at any price! Crispr : The last taboo of genetic engineering? Further contributions

in Principle, the Council of ethics holds the germ line is not sacrosanct, currently interventions are not foreseeable, but because of their ethical consequences. The procedures were immature and the risk of adverse health consequences to large. Therefore, to employ a Moratorium with the concrete questions of application.

The Federal government and the Bundestag to push for a binding international agreement, and clinical applications – such as in China at the present time, prevent, it continues. An international Institute could develop Standards for germ line interventions in humans, the body and calls for a debate, national needs to be conducted. The Institution should also deal with the medical and social consequences of such genetic changes.

For the moral philosophers and ethicists is imperative that interventions may only be carried out if sufficient safety and effectiveness exists and such procedures are appropriate.

the ethics Council wants more as opportunities-risks-consideration

Currently, scientists researchers around the world to different techniques, the genetic information contained. Most of the Crispr/Cas9 method, with the parts of the DNA by means of a “Genschere” cut out or changed to be Mature yet. Thus, the functions and tasks to be changed individual genes or turn them off completely.

genetic engineering procedure Is the genetic engineering?

Crispr was formally up to 25. In July, the EU was adopted in 2018, not legally as genetic engineering, because the Directive for genetically modified organisms (GMOs-Directive 2001/18 EC) before the discovery of the method. In France, however, environmental groups had complained against this fact.

The Argument: It will specifically intervene into the genetic material of plants – whether this was at the end, or the product with a natural identical, it is irrelevant. Proponents of the method say, the Crispr technology to simulate nature only and change the plants in such a way, how to do it, breeders for centuries.

The French court, which was in turn the concern to the European court of justice (ECJ). This decided in the confrontation with the file number C528/16: New genetic engineering procedures are subject to requirements under the GMO Directive of the European Union.


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