plastic is a wonderful material. Lightweight, break-resistant, elastic, durable. No Material used in the worldwide industry these days, more and more often. Plastics plug valves in medical devices, such as the heart, in building materials, for example, in thermal insulation and in car parts. However, because plastic is so alluring, versatile, it is also a world-wide Problem.

More than 200 different types of plastics available in the industry today for products. She uses this extensively, to cheap stuff in bulk. Plastic Cups, Plastic Forks, Plastic Straws, Plastic Chairs, Plastic Buckets, Plastic Tooth Brushes. Plastic Shirts, Plastic Bags, Plastic Packaging. Numerous articles of daily use of daily life are designed from the outset as a disposable article.

Annually, about eight million tons of plastic end up in the seas and oceans; even in the deep sea, the Arctic, the Antarctic and the most remote Islands, researchers found indoor particle. This corresponds to about a garbage truck loads per Minute. Completely remove the parts, some of which measure only a fraction of a millimeter not more,. In the result, plastic garbage is destroying the habitat of many species, and its toxic ingredients that threaten the health of animals and humans – how, exactly, is still being researched.

the age of plastics is at the same time, the age of the plastic crisis. Also, because we use more than is necessary. To demand rights for environmentalists and types of pads for decades, the policy may areas of the plastic stop. Now this has set at least one character After in the European Union, the free distribution of certain plastic bags since 2016 it is forbidden to have agreed the politicians of the EU on Wednesday, among other things, plastic parts, such as a cotton swab, and to prohibit plastic forks, if there are Alternatives. Starting in 2024, the disposable products will disappear from the market. Negotiated the end of 2018.

As happens by now!

It is the only right decision. The ban may have arrived late, much room for improvement and only the States of the EU. But it shows that there is a happy-go-lucky dealing with plastic is no longer going to tolerate. And not disposable plastic.

Some people may now argue that there are already Alternatives to plastic bags and other plastic goods. Thanks to Recycling would be recycled in addition, large parts of plastic, instead of the rest of the garbage to go up in flames. Because what happened a long time ago. True. To that extent, all these measures are important, and to promote accordingly. But they merely limit the consequences and can fix it neither all of the already caused damage, and do not change the basic Problem of The mankind produces more plastic than is good for the planet. Instead of reducing the amount added each year, billions of tons of plastics.

© Jakob Börner Alina harmful angle

editor in the Department of Knowledge, TIME ONLINE

to the author of the page

Certainly, it would be self-determined, free, friendly, if each and every Single bag can be used again, on thin plastic bags in the supermarket dispensed with, and no straws. It would be nicer if it was enough to give notice of business owners and bars that they offer, in order, one after the other you from the Download banned and manufacturers in the market. But to change one’s own habits is notoriously difficult. The own life as he sees fit of plastic to free, it costs time, money, and nerves; without compromise, it is not possible.

It is naive to expect that the plastic problem is through self-regulation is solvable. Not only that: It would be negligent to rely on it, because the situation is too dramatic to wait. Who calls for every citizen to see for themselves how harmful plastic is and act accordingly, is allowed to complain ever again about the lengthy negotiations within the EU. In order for plastic to disappear from everyday life, properly disposed of and useful will be replaced, States must change in the world of consumer behavior with its citizens strategically, politically and manufacturers. Bans, originated from a in-depth debate, are a wonderful material.

More on topic: food, packaging, electric scrap, plastic humanity to sell. With the focus on “life in the disposable mode” is used to follow ONLINE the routes of the waste, shows what he makes with human and animal and how he could better avoid.

garbage focus: life in the disposable mode of life in the disposable mode

food, packaging, electric scrap, plastic: The humanity sell. Alone every German throws away per year, 627 kg. What to do with the waste? With the focus on life in a disposable mode, we follow the obvious tracks of garbage. These contents are already available:

waste disposal: This waste myths can be heard in the ton of garbage separation: you Know what is in what bin?


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