Contents page 1 — “The species of this earth, our Survival” page 2 — What needs to change to change the types to stop dying? Page 3 — make Sense for the climate and for the conservation of biodiversity On a page

As the species is dying stop? The have in the past week, Ecologists, politicians, Diplomats and environmentalists in Paris and discussed. Today, the global Report of the Weltartenschutzrats IPBES appeared. The Ecologist Ralf environmental researchers Seppelt and co-wrote it.

TIME ONLINE: The world is currently experiencing the largest species extinction since the Disappearance of the dinosaurs, say types of protective indoor and kinds of pads. Mr Michael, is that true?

Ralf Seppelt: Yes, there is no doubt. Man has affected the planet in the past few decades, becoming stronger and larger and larger areas. We escape the planet more renewable resources than ever before. And thus have three-quarters of the earth’s surface is Land, 40 per cent of the marine areas and half of the rivers were greatly changed. This is not without consequences.

Ralf head of Department at the Helmholtz centre for environmental research and Professor for landscape ecology at Martin Seppelt-Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. He has worked on global health report, the on 6. May world biodiversity sitätsrat IPBES in Paris will be presented. © Sebastian Wiedling, UFZ

TIME ONLINE: How many animal and plant species are threatened?

Michael: From the world renowned 1.7 million species, approximately 25 percent are currently at risk, i.e. approximately 425.000. But we know that There are far more types, which we have not explored yet. With the data from the well-studied species groups such as birds or mammals, we can expect them starting in the current report, how many species there are in the world: And the 8.1 million species. And of these, one Million is currently about the verge of extinction.

Zeit ONLINE: Which animals, which plants are species and which Ecosystems are most vulnerable?

Michael: especially those that are only in specific, limited regions of the world: the Galapagos Islands, for example, many species are unique and at the same time, threatened. Of these so-called endemic species in the world disappeared already 20 percent. Also in the sea, we will see drastic changes: A third of marine endangered mammals, just one-third of the reef-forming corals. In the case of the amphibians, for as much as 40 percent. The insects are our most species-rich group of them, ten percent are threatened.

TIME ONLINE: Flora and Fauna change for millions of years, nature has survived many ice ages and hot periods, adapted and changed. What is different this Time?

We can currently demonstrate a species die, the ten – to 100-fold faster progresses than in the past ten million years.

Ralf Seppelt

Michael: It is difficult to compare a current Situation with such large time periods. And our impact on the planet has increased in the last 100 to 200 years. The comparison of these stages shows clearly that we can currently demonstrate a species die, the ten – to 100-fold faster progresses than in the past ten million years.

TIME ONLINE: Why is it so serious, if species become extinct?

The biological diversity in all its entirety Seppelt: – not just a single particular species – is the basis of our life. In some species, this is immediately clear, as in the case of the honey bee and the wild bee, whose dissemination was discussed after the IPBES analysis, 2016 and the General Public. We realize that our life depends on them, because they pollinate plants. It would give you, would have a significant impact on our food spectrum.

TIME ONLINE: About endangered animals – Pandas, seals, tigers, or the honey bee – is often reported to be more than about plants. What is the role of it for our Ecosystem, when species of plants are endangered?

Seppelt: plants, like animals, part of a network, they provide food and livelihoods for more types. In nature, there are interactions everywhere. Plant missing species that can lead to the decline or extinction of other species, such as, for example, insects,. Flowering plants about by climate change at the wrong time, the. Biodiversity is the safety net of our existence and of our society. The denser it is, the more stable and the more diverse we can live with that. The species of this earth and ensure our Survival.


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