The number of practice physicians in Germany has continued to increase – the range of treatment for patients but there are still large regional differences. This shows the Federal physician register of the cash-medical Federal Union (KBV). “The resource is a doctor and remains in short supply,” said CBD Executive chef Andreas streets the Numbers.

Accordingly, there are in house doctors, which are for many people the first time, large regional differences. The highest coverage of Hamburg has 74 doctors per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with 73 and Berlin with 72. The lowest physician density in the state of Hesse and Saxony-Anhalt, with 65 physicians.

more and more Doctors working part-time

most Physicians and psychotherapists per 100,000 inhabitants have, therefore, furthermore, the city-States of Bremen and Hamburg, with 296 physicians and Berlin, 286 Doctors. At least practicing physician in this relationship there are in Brandenburg (186) and Saxony-Anhalt (194).

nationwide at the end of 2018, approximately 148.600 Doctors and will exhaust 26,700 psychotherapists with an authorisation for the supply of legally insured patients. This was an increase of 1.5 percent compared to the end of 2017.

The kassenärztliche bundesvereinigung (KBV) was balanced by the Numbers, however, As Doctors worked more and more in part-time or employees rather than practice owners wanted to be mean this is actually only an increase of 0.2 percent.

statistics from the Federal chamber of physicians of comprehensive

For the supply of the respective Region, practices of physicians but not alone – Doctors in hospitals, and also physiotherapists and other health care professionals.

The Federal physician register includes all the Doctors and psychotherapists to treat the Insured as an outpatient. Also, the Federal chamber of physicians published a physicians ‘ statistics, which includes, however, all employed in Germany have the Doctors, so the hospital doctors and private doctors. Not to the medical services of the participating psychotherapists are taken into account in these statistics.


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