“MK” talked with those who remained without work, but to be able to find a new one. And with the help of experts have prepared advice for those who want to find “udalenka”. That’s how out of the situation by our interlocutors.
Olga, 35 years old, because of the coronavirus have lost their jobs in the tourism sector:
– I 3 years to sell tours abroad, and in March sell insurance from ticks and hull. After the outbreak of the coronavirus and the closing of borders, the work I did not. 2 weeks I sell insurance, and I like it. If before my mission was to send people abroad for fun, but now I save lives and save someone else’s budget. I sell insurance against ticks, hull insurance, medical policies, which, in particular, allow you to consult a doctor online, home insure that people who have moved to new housing, could live in peace, without fear that it will burn or they will flood the neighbors.
Recently I convinced a few of the newlyweds to insure your apartment. They long refused, saying that they are fans of the movie “Fight club” and he taught them philosophically to a situation where you’re a long time doing repairs, with love and carefully selected furniture and then your apartment, BAM! Explodes and burns in flames. But I still managed to sell them insurance. 3 years sales burning stages are not in vain. I’m used to that at first I refuse. I’m confident, I’m not stopping you. Anyone can sell, if you develop a sense that you can do anything. To convince to buy is not a superpower, but just a task.
Artem, 29, lost a cook in fast food:
I worked as a cook in a fast food restaurant for 2 years, now looking for cashiers for supermarkets and couriers for food delivery services. I don’t want to complain, but to work as a cook in fast food is very difficult. I had long shifts of 10 hours, and by the end of the day I’m so tired that when I got home I could only watch in television, and with greater fatigue — generally a wall. The restaurant Manager Ihas represented to redo the orders, deducted money for forgotten ingredients, and customers were persons of like I’m room service and owe them a million. I don’t know why in Russia so people from the service sector. Go to another restaurant I didn’t see the point: it’s not my first place of work, all about the same thing. Thoughts of finding another job I had, but I didn’t know what to do. And then life forced customers due to coronavirus became less, our restaurant was closed.
Now I work as a recruitment Manager. Services vengeance began to look for couriers and supermarkets cashiers. Funny that indirectly my job again to do with food, but I don’t have to sweat in the kitchen (laughs). I’m looking for couriers who deliver and people who it strikes. This week I found 6 couriers and 4 cashier earned about 20,000 rubles. That’s fine with me.
Lisa, 41, coronavirus forced her to change one “udalenka” to another:
– On remote I worked for 3 years as a copywriter. And now I finconsultant.
I’m glad I got officially on the remote work. For me it was important after I threw twice: at first my work detained me salary for 3 months, I lived in a rented apartment with a dog. I had nothing to pay, and an apartment with a pet was not easy to find.
the Main advantage of working on remote — no need to sit in front of the monitor, depicting feverish activity, when it enters the head. I previously worked as a copywriter in an advertising Agency, office routine, I was eaten. Now I’m glad I can make it in 4-5 hours all the work and spend the rest of the time. I taught myself to tailor advertising over the Internet, make simple websites. Half of the clients I’m looking for via social networks manually, half — through targeting. It is a misconception that Bank cards can be sold only by roll calls. I set up the ads, and the people themselves come to me. I am proud that I learned everything myself without buying expensive courses.
Kate, 32-year-old journalist, which finding udalenka no luck:
as part of testing, the publication asked me to prepare 3 of the text on scientific and educational subjects. I sent the editor of texts, and a few days later they called me and said I was not suitable. Without explanation and payment already made texts. Soon I saw my notes posted in social networks and on the newspaper’s website. I was outraged and asked to remove them from all sites. I went to meet him, but left an unpleasant aftertaste.
How to look for work on remote, in order not to run into an unscrupulous employer? The advice of experts for hire.
– If you urgently need to find a job according to your profile, make a summary so that you wanted to take. Examine the summary of colleagues in open access on the Internet, identify their best and take on Board. Put yourself in the place of the employer. Needless to say, that today you are the designer, but actually, your dream to make a movie and six months later you go. Employers are usually looking for people in the long term.
– Submit a resume not only major Internet employers. They are flooded with applications. I ordered a small Telegram-channels, including those, which publishes jobs for her.
– If your business is having problems in connection with the coronavirus and you need to look for another job profile and without work experience, use the services of the official remote job, where you will issue the contract.
Vacancies available on freelancing are many, but the main thing — not to run into scams. When asked to perform a test — this is normal. Is suspected fraud if it is very bulky and is not paid.
– Always read the reviews on the employer, but if you have been deceived — do not be lazy to leave.
the Top 12 most in-demand professions on remote, which you can learn yourself for 10 days (according to analysts the service of the official remote work Workle):
1. Manager Direkta in Instagram
2. Manager customer support
3. Manager online store
4. A financial Advisor
5. Insurer
6. The recruitment Manager (recruiter)
7. Targetrow
8. SMM specialist
9. Copywriter
10. Collector sites with Tilda
11. Videomanager (including Instagram)
12. Agent rental properties