From a distance see the footprints on the beach as the tread of a truck. But the tracks are of natural origin. The parallel paths have attracted sea lions with their flippers in the Sand, if you come up with your waddling gait of the Surf on Land. Hundreds of up to half a ton of heavy animals live in this colony, to pause, to multi-day excursions in the Southern Ocean in the dunes, to laze, to procreate or to feed the young.

The Seal Bay on the South coast of Kangaroo Island is one of the main attractions of the 160 kilometres long and 60 km wide island, which is slightly larger in area than the island of Mallorca. However, instead of mass tourism, interest in the unique Flora and Fauna here, the experience of nature is at the visitors center.

Zoo without fences Bay of Fires Walk in Tasmania, Hiking at the end of the world By Till Bartels

Up to 12,000 years ago Kangaroo Island was still connected to the mainland. According to the sea level rise at the end of the last ice age, after Tasmania and Melville is the third largest island of Australia and of the Australia, introduced foxes and rabbits spared. This kept animals such as the Tamar Wallaby, which are elsewhere extinct for a long time, their natural habitat.

Until today, on Kangaroo Island, in addition to seals and sea lions also Beak or to watch echidnas, fairy penguins, cockatoos, and lizards. The only in the 20s exposed Koalas have increased so splendidly that it must now be sterilized.

Kangaroo Island: Wind, sea Spray and stars Fullscreen

Finally, on country: Australian sea lions are of your colony, to be faithful, and return after several days in the sea to the same place

The living kangaroos in the nature of fit. They are, in comparison to the mainland kangaroos are stockier, shorter legs, a thicker tail and are familiar with due to the long Isolation, no fear of people. As the English Explorer Matthew Flinders, who sailed in 1802, for the first time, the Australian continent, went on the York Peninsula of the country, boarded his hungry crew of the “Investigator” fresh meat: The friendly kangaroos could with a stick just slain. After this carnage Flinders on his discovery gave the name: Kangaroo Island.

granite rock as natural works of art

Today the island is used for agriculture. Flocks of sheep grazing on cleared areas between the dense Bush, and keep the meadows as short as the Greens of a Golf course. Because of the many eucalyptus trees, the spicy honey proves to be an export hit. In the West of the island, the impenetrable are urgent forests of Flinders Chase National Park and a unique sculpture of nature. High above the coast there are the Remarkable Rocks, a Rock Ensemble from iron and solid granite. Not the artist Henry Moore created the rounded sculptures, but the Erosion is modeled in the course of time, the 500 million year old stones.


Perched high above the shore: the Remarkable Rocks in Flinders Chase National Park

©Till Bartels

The southwestern-most point of Kangaroo Island, where since the beginning of the 20th century. Century, warns a lighthouse at Cape du Couedic in front of the cliffs, a bridge to a colony of new Zealand sea lions down. The air smells spicy, salt, and eucalyptus, the Wind makes the wooden structure to vibrate. The real Sensation however, is the Admirals Arch, open to the sea cave.

Flinders Range in South Australia 500 million years of solitude By Till Bartels

From the foaming Surf on a diving furry seals and crawl over the slippery rock to country. From the ceiling, stalactites grow, the sea, the Locals call the Southern Ocean, boils and bubbles. This place looks like the gate at the end of the world. Behind the heaving sea and the horizon, the Antarctic begins at some point.

the curse and blessing of the luxury

The natural Paradise with its unique wildlife, pristine beaches, and a private Wine strikes with the opening of a Five-star Hotel in a new way. The Southern Ocean Lodge dares to the combination of nature experience and luxury accommodation. Set on a clifftop Resort with 21 rooms in the Locals controversial. There is hardly a wanted to hire. So, most of the employees of the Lodge had to be recruited on the Australian mainland.

Kangaroo Island

getting there: Kangaroo Island Sea Link, Regional Express

tours of the island: ATO-Kangaroo Island Odysseys

More Infos:, Finders Chase National Park

With prices starting from 750 Euro per Person per night, the Southern Ocean Lodge Wealthy brings to Kangaroo Island. However, with the opening of the purist Designer Lodge no Jetset is broken-hype. Also no sun loungers on the beach, as initially feared. The solitude and the encounter with the natural elements continue to be the attraction. As before, it’s on to Kangaroo Island leisurely.

Until today, the island’s capital city without a traffic light. In Kingscote half of the 4000 islanders, including three police officers lives. On the province of the airport, three propeller machines of the day, the fly in 20 minutes to Adelaide to land. The newspaper kiosk in the waiting hall consists of a stack of “The Australian” on the bench with a Cup of coffee next to it, the man throws his mite for the newspaper. The security control is done with a view on a list of dangerous goods. Do you have any weapons or explosives? No. That’s about it. No metal detector, no hassle of Scanning the body. Honey jars, and bottles of island wine may fly in the hand Luggage without any problems.

Well, that there are such places as Kangaroo Island on the world.

see also:

Bay of Fires Walk in Tasmania: Hiking at the end of the world, Flinders Range: 500 million years of solitude Australia: The longed-for destination in the southern hemisphere


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