Contents page 1 — a Schnitzel is okay page 2 — scavenger is allowed, Bockwurst On a page to read

May decide alone, the children, what they eat, it’s salty and sweet and never bitter. With French fries, Mayo, Chicken Nuggets, pasta in tomato sauce and cream yogurt. Way with spinach and cabbage, broccoli or olives. The Problem here is that A balanced diet is different, a health-promoting as well.

Even if the proportion has risen in the past few years: Still, 14 percent of Three – to ten-year olds in this country take just the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. This is the result of many years of Kiggs-study. No wonder that 15 percent of children in this age group is overweight, about a third of them obese. Something that looks up to the adult age. Who is already in childhood, overweight, eating in adulthood is worse and gets more common cardiovascular problems (Appetite: Schwartz et al., 2011 & Current Obesity Reports: Nicklaus & Remy, 2013).

Early exercises. And you can also have a positive effect. It’s worth it to give children a good diet. But if it’s not good to him how to get his child to eat healthy? What do you mean here at all healthy? How much sugar and fat and how many carbs should you eat? Which salt consumption is acceptable, and what dairy products is one of the many Children to keep away from Obstmus in bags or children’s biscuits?

taste is changing © Jakob Börner Alina harmful angle

spurned, according to her mother as a child not a vegetable, and, preferably, carrot juice and fennel tea to drink. Until they discovered coke.

to the author of the page

Maybe the most important advice of all: parents should stick to the topic of food relaxed. Children are particularly vulnerable to the nutritional sins of our society. All of the products rich in sugar, salt and fat, the has to offer the food industry today – the danger to shape in early years, food habits and taste preferences, which often remain for life (The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Mennella, 2014). Fortunately, but the taste is not assessed solely genetic or solely determined by the eating habits of Pregnant women, but be transformed by the (Obesity Prevention: Mennella & Beauchamp, 2010 / Textbook on human lactation: Mennella, 2007). What it is rejecting a one-Year full of fervor, you will love with three years ago, all of a sudden. And Vice-versa.

“taste preferences are developing all the time and can be learned also in the course of Childhood,” says Margareta Büning-Fesel, By the Federal centre for nutrition. Up to ten years of age, and thus still in the nursery and primary school time is not relevant, what to learn girls and boys about nutrition and experience. “Children this age are curious and adventurous – that you can use,” says Büning-Fesel. Because nutrition education is 70 percent informal, in front of life of carers in the day care center, a teacher in the elementary school and the parents, in the best case, what is beneficial to health (education administration special: Oepping, 2016). You can inspire by you to go with children on the market, suitable food to discover and prepare (see box below, “learning to eat in childhood”). “But if I only Fast Food to eat,” stresses Büning-Fesel, “I can’t expect my kid’s salad.”

children’s nutrition, learning to eat in a child

small children in Germany eat on average less vegetables, bread, side dishes and fish, but more meat, sausage, and eggs as recommended. The consumption of sweets is much higher, as well as the amount of saturated fatty acids (research Institute for child nutrition: Kersting, Clausen & Heseker, 2003 / Current nutritional medicine: Hilbig et al., 2011).

This can learn to eat healthy and with joy. The network is Healthy, life network Young family has issued recommendations for healthy children in the home.


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