Contents page 1 — Who is allowed to write here? Page 2 — inclined To moral purism, you never had a page 3 — Marion Dönhoff what you wanted On a page

“In the anteroom of Power” read: Harmless, the title of Carl Schmitt’s could be article hardly, the on 29. July 1954 on page 3, the TIME appeared. That each other was not a pylon, made a short opening credits of “R. T.”, editor-in-chief Richard Tüngel, clear. It stated that the “great German state teacher of law” Carl Schmitt in the Federal Republic of a controversial phenomenon. But his opponents should listen to, because he have to say “astutely Thought out and Unique”.

The head of the policy departments, the Marion Dönhoff was in her brother Dieter in Ireland, as they found out about it. Editorial Intern, she had disposed of explicitly, you will have to leave the TIME, even if only an article by Carl Schmitt in the sheet will be printed. Now it was so far. She wrote to the publisher, Gerd Bucerius, a pithy letter, and returned the Hamburger press house to the back. So far the short version of the story, which is part of the myth of the TIME, and was, in fact, far more than an Episode. Finally, it was not only the future of the fledgling weekly newspaper, but also to the Republic: How authoritarian, or how liberal you would be?

Still shaped the national-conservative tones of the debates, a unit of rhetoric, and anti-communism went Hand-in-Hand, restorative trends covered often, the approaches of liberalism and openness to the world. In the newspaper houses, the TIME was reflected editorial was no exception: to the left or to the right, German or European, democratic or turn illiberal, the groups sat seemingly amicably side by side.

In reality, a conflict was brewing for a long time. As early as 1952 Marion Dönhoff not complained to your Swiss pen-friend, the historian Carl Jacob Burckhardt, she was “at peace” with your newspaper: “Maybe you should soon, the Cabinet-question.” In 1953, she wrote, quite frankly, that the influence of the old Nazi-waxes: their editor-in-chief Richard Tüngel will increasingly be indoctrinated by Walter Petwaidic (published mostly as Fredericia in TIME), an admirer of Carl Schmitt.

Carl Schmitt fought back for a Comeback: He wanted to be clean to have been washed from the accusation that Kronjurist and intellectual stirrup holders of the Nazi party, Yes, one of the pioneers of the national socialist ideology. Because in the “anteroom of Power,” had moved the lawyer once itself and about the influence on the Nazi Regime, even if it was made after a few years of cold. The hidden message of Schmitt’s was a TIME article that he had the Power to close?

This article dates back to the TIME no 06/2019. Here you can read the entire issue.

Marion Dönhoff knew what role was played by Schmitt in the “third Reich”. And it can not be escaped, as he tried to win in the Federal Republic, a journalistic platform. Quickly and decisively she drew the consequence, as Tüngel granted him this platform.

Easy was it to her. In a letter of 7. In September 1954, in which you told your friend Burckhardt, that you have separated from the newspaper, it says: “In a way I’m relieved, on the other hand, I tell myself that I actually quite nice failed: eight years with the task of chasing after, to eliminate the aftermath of the Nazis, and then at the end, if the Alternative is, we want to have Marion Dönhoff in the editorial office or the Nazis in the sheet to get the sack.”

for A first clue something is going in the wrong direction, you must have Marion Dönhoff already in 1949, as you experienced, such as Richard Tüngel fascinated with a Stranger chatted, the was ravishing to tell Jewish jokes. Instinctively she threw Tüngel then to the head, he was obviously dragging an incurable Nazi. In fact, the Unknown had worked, as she soon learned, for the information Department of the foreign Ministry under Joachim von Ribbentrop. Prevent you could not hire your editor-in-chief, but him as an editor. The Name of the new colleagues: Walter Petwaidic.

soon the TIME “in the anteroom of Power”: Among other things, suggested Petwaidic to hurried his Mentor Tüngel to pilgrims travelling to Plettenberg in the Sauerland, where Carl Schmitt the past nachtrauerte. Already at the 4. December 1952 had defended Richard Tüngel Schmitt in an editorial. Even then, Marion Dönhoff put in Tüngel Protest. The replied unabashedly, the Nazi years were over. Downright inhumane to discriminate against thinkers such as Schmitt forever.

Petwaidic was not the only Ex-Nazi who wrote in the fifties for TIME: As a P. C. Holm, the former head of the press Department of the foreign office and SS-Obersturmbannführer Paul Karl Schmidt, was allowed to publish in the Bulletin; under the Pseudonym of Paul Carrell, he wrote later, apologetic war books that have been bestsellers. And then Erwin Ettel, once the SS-brigade leader. From 1950, he wrote, for the PERIOD of six years under the name Ernst Kruger dozens of articles, wherein he used the word “war criminals” in principle, in quotation marks.


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