In the Netherlands, prohibit more and more municipalities, to let the balloons in the Free rise. According to the environmental organisation De Noordzee 17 percent of the municipalities have adopted a balloon-prohibition. A year ago, this number was five percent. In addition, a fifth of the municipalities urge you not to let the balloons outside are on the rise. Most of the bans there are for the Foundation, according to the Dutch coastal areas and the Wadden sea Islands.

the Dutch Parliament for further bans of balloons are discussed in the. Representatives of several parties criticize the possible environmental damage of the balloon remnants and plastic waste in the North sea.

balloons according to the environmental protection organization, a risk for sea mammals, fish and birds: The animals can share to plastic, and balloon remnants suffocation. Especially sea birds die, according to a study, often by the balloon remnants.

“The deadliest in the sea”

this is the result of the researcher, Lauren Roman of the University of Tasmania in Australia. Roman and her Team investigated the death of 1733 seabirds, and found that Every third bird had eaten garbage. The probability for a Bird to die of balloons or balloon parts, spent about 32 times higher than in the case of harder plastic parts. Every fifth found dead Seabird plastic waste, or balloon remnants were the clear cause of death. Roman said that the balloons were “the deadliest in the sea”.

The environmental Foundation De Noordzee for a General prohibition of air balloons in the nature.


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