Their recruitment is probably more the punch than the kick of poker. The group Partouche announced on Tuesday the beginning of his collaboration with two former captains of the ministry of the Interior, who have in common the fact of having occupied until recently in the one and the other positions among the most prestigious of the national police.

Fabrice Pair (g), the boss of the group Partouche with Martine Monteil at the center and Eric Battesti, two former captains of the place Beauvau, who joined the ranks of the casino.

Groupe Partouche

Martine Monteil, and Eric Battesti on the other hand, have in fact joined the ranks of the second French player in the casino market since the January 1, 2019, but their arrival had not filtered up to then. Report to the chairman of the group executive board Fabrice Paire, they have the mission to accompany the casino in “its missions and its relationship with its supervisory authorities” and in particular the place Beauvau.

Martine Monteil, a pioneer of the police

Martine Monteil, who has completed his career with the rank of Prefect emeritus, has recently been elevated to the rank of grand officer of the Order of Merit, but is best known in the ranks of the police for having been a pioneer, as noted by the groupe Partouche in a press release. Output the major of his promotion in 1978, she became the same year one of the first female police commissioner. In 1994, she became the leader of the brigade for the repression of banditry in Paris, again a first. Idem in 1996 when she took the head of the major crime unit. Daughter and granddaughter of police, and Martine Monteil was appointed in 2002 as regional director of the judicial police (PJ) of the Prefecture of police of Paris, before taking the head, two years later, of the central directorate of the judicial Police. Each time history repeats itself, she is the first woman to embrace these functions.

Eric Battesti has integrated the national Police in 1981 within the General Intelligence Directorate. A service that will be exactly preserved in its fold nearly a century, during the Service central racing and gaming (SCCJ), the same man responsible for the control of casino operators.

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He will then meet with the PJ de Versailles, before heading the general Intelligence service in Corsica until 2007. Passed by the French embassies in London and Beijing as a secretary of homeland security, he has just completed his career place Beauvau, where he was most recently the functions of the diplomatic advisor to the former minister, Gérard Collomb. Promoted to the rank of Commissioner-general of police in march last, he asserts his rights to the pension in the stride in October. A retreat of short duration.

A double arrival in the shape of a foot against

The arrival of these two former “great cops” occurs in a context where the relationships between the casino, which employs approximately 4500 staff and its oversight authority is somewhat tense these past few months. The group Partouche up to sue in defamation, the commissioner Philippe Ménard, present head of the SCCJ, for comments made in the press to the result of the searches conducted in march, 2018, within the 3.14, luxurious hotel Partouche which the first levels are home to the casino iconic of the group. The police operation had resulted in police custody and the indictment of two leaders of the casino for “abuse of social goods”, to the detriment of the institution, who is a civil party.

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A first complaint soon accompanied by a second, this time against X, but in the watermark it is also the police, for violation of the secrecy of the statement. Partouche with little tasted of the media coverage of the operation which had hurt its Stock price last spring.

Contacted by The Express, the boss of the casino Fabrice Pair welcomes this double entry, but refuses to make a change of strategy in its report to its supervisory authorities. “We have always been transparent and in the dialogue with the authorities. This double arrival only reinforced this,” says the strong man of the group Partouche for that “these two eminent personalities will not work not with [Partouche] if they were not convinced of our discipline and of our seriousness”.

Perfect connoisseur of the workings of the place Beauvau, Martine Monteil and Eric Battesti are in every case tailored to put oil in the cylinders of the casino and of the officials in charge of the regulation of the sector.


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