Social Media and the Internet – for children are the incriminating factors. Many studies have documented the growing pressure of Social Media on Teenagers. Whether depression, School bullying, or hatred of the body – all of these things are now linked to the Internet. In the UK the children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield spoke of an “avalanche of pressure”, the bury children and young people, if you want to be in the social media popular and successful. The British author and parenting expert Naomi Greenaway has set up seven rules for how your children can navigate through this danger zone.

1. The bedroom-Top-rule education trend, knife, saw, camp-fire: Why are day-care centres, again, dangerous By Gernot Kramper

Without this, nothing goes. Once the child gets his first cell phone, it must be complied with: A Smartphone has nothing to look in the bedroom. It is in the evening, switched off and it is charging in the living room. The only way you can ensure the sleeping time of your child. Lack of sleep due to night WhatsApp Sessions has a lot of negative side effects. The blue screen light also awake. So remember, the device 30 minutes before going To bed to turn off completely.

2. You lead the necessary conversations

parents network phenomena talk of Sexting up to FOMO (“Fear of missing out” – should be afraid to miss something), advises the expert. You don’t think that the Kids are looking for such conversations. You need to be active. Don’t wait until you notice that your children have problems. Greenaway advises the kids to be always a step ahead. They talk about the Instagram Hype to have the best Selfie, before the daughter figure provides a Bikini. You talk about the stupid feeling to see pictures of a Party one was not invited, before the children themselves are in the Party age. As long as you are not affected yourself, it is easy for kids to talk freely, and to speak of all things with the parents, about such feelings.

3. The real-Offline-life is not one of

Help your Kids, perfect Online existences. They promote activities in the real world. So, you can build a real self-confidence, which can then be fond of mirrored online. Remember: The better the real life works, the easier it is also a good Online mirror.

4. Don’t be a Online spy

Some of the children controls of the parent of Social Media to help active activities, and phone. It will make you feel supported and not left alone. But you go through these things together and in partnership. And you spy on your kids never secretly, the crack in the relationship of trust is inevitable.

5. You can find the right level for the on-screen book of time “Achtung Baby”, “Let the children fight with each other!” America is arguing about German education

Too much time on the screen leads to irritability and hyperactivity. Rigid screen bans are not a solution. Greenaway refers to a study by prof Jean Twenge. Twenge says, is the “Sweet Spot” for one hour per day on-screen for children aged two to five years, and up to two hours for school-age children and adolescents. But parents should also think for themselves, and in the case of a game not in the crucial Minute, abruptly pull the plug.

6. You have to fight against the on-screen-Addiction

there is A Problem with consumer electronics is that it quickly leads to a dopamine boost without trouble, there is a feeling of happiness. Offline, it’s not so easy. To work around the Problem, should make the children to share their screen time with other things””. Then, the dopamine boost from the Smartphone is not all that easy to get. But attention: this is not a criminal work. Choose activities that are fun, and a private value, in order to promote the attractiveness of the Offline life.

7. They work with open rules of the game

the limits, prohibitions, allowed screen time – write it all together with the children in a family contract. Then the rules are clear and there are less misunderstandings, because parents and children are not able to interpret a rule quite differently. For the children, it is important that the contract acknowledges not only their duties but also their rights. Besides all these things, the parents need to be honest with yourself and ask yourself, how Smartphone are depending on you. You grab the food from the device or you will see a notification immediately on your Smartphone, even if your child speaks with you? Then also your obligations in the digital family agreement.

source: “The Telegraph”

family planning $ 250,000 – So expensive children really are

A state Report lists in the United States, the expenditure for children. Parents must be 17 to the. Birthday raise almost a quarter of a million dollars. College and Uni are added later.

Gernot Kramper kra


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