It can be eye-opening to compare all your debts against your income. Some people go through life oblivious to their debt and income until something pushes them to pay attention. When the truth of the scenario dawns on you, you may experience a surge of terror, followed by despair to what appears to be a hopeless situation. It is when declaring bankruptcy may be your only option for paying off your bills and moving forward with your finances. This article outlines seven indicators that scream that it’s time to file for bankruptcy.
Amassing Credit Card Payments
It’s not a problem if you miss a credit card payment every now and then. However, suppose you find yourself in a scenario with several credit cards and enormous amounts where you can only pay the “minimum due” amount (and sometimes even less). In that case, you should examine the rest of your finances to see if it’s time to declare bankruptcy.
When you take a cash advance on one card to pay off another, or if you’re frequently shifting balances to other cards, you’re amassing credit card payments in the hopes that someone will magically clear everything one day. These are typical postponement methods that won’t help you with your credit card debt in the long run.
For a more comprehensive guide on bankruptcy, visit Scura Law
You’re In Debt That You Can’t Pay Off
Being swamped in debt is a terrible sensation, and it may be that you are too far in over your head to pull out. We are not here to condemn you or make you feel bad about your mistakes. Regardless of whether you got into debt by spending too much or due to circumstances beyond your control, the only way you can get out of it and give your finances a new shot is by declaring bankruptcy.
Debt and its ramifications can have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond your financial situation. Worry and anxiety about how you’ll pay your bills can contribute to mental health issues such as melancholy and anxiety, as well as deteriorating relationships. Debt can even lead marriages to fall apart. Allowing terrible things to happen to you is not a good idea when you can break the cycle and declare bankruptcy.
Medical Bills Have Taken A Toll On Your Finances
Even if you have decent insurance, medical expenditures can add up quickly. You will be paid for every drug, consultation, and medical facility used in your treatment if you have been in an accident and have had to spend time in the hospital. After being released from the hospital or recovering from a terrible illness, many people discover that they owe more money than they will ever be able to pay.
When a loved one becomes ill, medical debt can quickly accumulate. Perhaps you were forced to abandon your career to care for a sick relative. In that situation, you may have racked up medical expenditures for your family while losing your job. You may be attempting to pay your healthcare bills but have fallen behind. It’s also possible that the hospital has sent your account to collections, and you’re getting harassed by phone calls.
You Have To Use Your Savings
Most people who work have a savings account where they put money down for rainy days in the hopes that they never have to use it. Similarly, every firm will have a capital of money that operates the business and is safe from recurring expenses and necessities. Suppose you’re in financial trouble and find yourself tapping heavily into your savings or capital to the point where the account is nearly depleted. In that case, you should seriously consider filing for bankruptcy. Declaring yourself or your firm bankrupt would assist you to stop the harm to the point where you could begin rebuilding your capital or savings again.
Facing Lawsuit From Creditors
Everyone gets into debt and financial difficulties from time to time, which can lead to creditor disputes. However, if the disagreements result in you or your company being sued as a consequence of late or missed payments, you should try to limit your losses by filing for bankruptcy before things become too legal.
Hiring legal counsel and fighting debt in court may be incredibly costly, and if you are already deeply in debt, there is little purpose in allowing matters to progress that far. Instead, you might avoid all of that by filing for one of the various types of bankruptcy. Declaring bankruptcy may also assist you in negotiating appropriate payment schedules with your creditors, ensuring that everyone receives what they are due.
You’ve Had It With Giving Paycheck To Paycheck
It’s worth taking the time to figure out what’s truly going on if every month is a significant struggle due to your debt. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get your debt under control soon if the bills you owe total more than half of your annual income.
Multiple missed payments can lead to vehicle repossession, student loan default, collection agencies knocking at your door, and lawsuits, all of which will lower your credit score rather than raising it. Bankruptcy can assist you in getting out of this scenario (though student loan debt is nearly never covered by bankruptcy, so you’ll still have to pay it back).
You Are Having A Foreclosure On Your House
Many people cannot make their mortgage payments considering they have a king’s ransom to pay off. The bank will seize your home if you skip too many payments. If this is the case, filing for bankruptcy is one option for keeping your home. A consultation with a bankruptcy attorney will assist you in determining whether this is a viable choice for you.
Falling into a massive amount of debt that forces you to declare bankruptcy does not happen overnight or without warning. There are always signals that indicate financial distress and how bad things are likely to get. When things become too convoluted, and you believe there is no other way to pull yourself or your business out of financial problems, filing for bankruptcy may be frightening, but it is the only way to save yourself.