24. January: Trump is said to have threatened Cohen’s family moves, his statement

Michael Cohen, the longtime attorney of Donald Trump, has postponed his much-anticipated testimony before Congress in February. For justification, he left on Wednesday to tell his family that had become the object of “threats” by the President – a potentially explosive accusation. The opposition Democrats expressed prompt the suspicion that Trump may have been illegal to influence a witness would be guilty of.

Cohen’s congressional testimony are expected to be available with new explosive revelations about the President and the Trump group. Cohen’s own lawyer Lanny Davis said, but his client had to be “of his family and their safety is the first priority”. Until recently, there had been of Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani outbound “threats” against the Cohen family.

state of the Union speech Democrat Pelosi locks Trump the Parliament and the twitters, as it continues AFP

should have been Of the nature of the threats, explained Davis. Trump countered, his former Intimus’m being threatened “solely on the truth”. The President has accused Cohen repeated, false statements to investigators, criminal let buy.

the Leading opposition representatives declared to Cohen’s rejection of “intimidate witnesses” and to scare their “family members”, represent the “typical Mafia tactics” and violated the laws. The democratic Committee Chairman, Elijah Cummings and Adam Schiff called on Trump, any activities to which disabled the “independent supervision of the government by the Congress”.

23. January: Nancy Pelosi locks Trump: state of the Nation address is not in the house of representatives

US President Donald Trump his state of the Union speech – the “State of the Union insists,” – on 29. To keep in January in the U.S. house of representatives, despite the objections of the Democrats. The Chairman of the chamber, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, had voted in favor of Trump shifts his speech or in a written statement released with security concerns due to the continued shutdown “ends” justified. Trump wrote in a on Wednesday released a letter to Pelosi, there is, according to the competent authorities the right not to be security walls. Therefore, he was looking forward to his speech as originally planned, on 29. To keep in January in the house of representatives.

But Pelosi responded only a little later and locked out the President, so de facto: “I Hereby notify you that the house of representatives pulls out a joint Resolution in consideration to the speech of the President to authorize, before the government working again.” A joint Resolution of the house of representatives and the Senate is necessary so that the President is given the permission to the “State of the Union” in the house. Normally, this is a matter of form; it is now given to the ongoing “shutdown” of the dispute to the border wall with Mexico is a political issue.

It would be “so sad for our country,” if the speech is not on time, on schedule and at the designated place would be held, had stressed Trump before. The latter he called “very important”. A White house spokesman said, according to US media reports, Trump was of the view that no speaker of the house of representatives can dictate to a President who, when, and where in the Nation. That puts Pelosi now but obviously.

Due to a bitter budget dispute between Trump and the opposition Democrats, parts of the U.S. government for more than four weeks. In Parallel, Trump, and Pelosi has been going on for days, personal skirmishes. After Pelosi had proposed to the President to postpone his speech because of the “shutdown” or just a written statement, had Trump state cancelled a trip to the Top Democrat to Afghanistan, also with reference to the government still. He had suggested that Pelosi and her Delegation could fly line, if you wanted to. This was as a revenge speech counted for Pelosis Blockade of Trumps in the US Congress. With his letter, Trump to put now.

The U.S. President traditionally holds at the beginning of the year, a speech on the state of the Nation. This goes back to article 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

22. January: stage victory for Trump: Tansgender ban in the military is getting closer

US President Donald Trump has won with his proposed ban on Transgender recruits to the US military in a stage victory before the Supreme court of the United States. The Supreme Court continued the ban with an arrangement in two cases, first of all, back in force in these two appeals in courts of appeal is to be decided. The lower courts had stopped the Trump prohibition in these two procedures for the time being. A third procedure is still running. The civil rights organization ACLU, points out, therefore, that up to this judgment, the prohibition is in force. Donald Trump had issued the decree last March. Therefore, Transgender people should be from military service excluded. As Transgender people are not – or not only – with gender are referred to, the identify that was noted at birth.

22. January: Trump’s lawyer pulls controversial Statement to Russia-contacts back

lawyers are the kind of people whose profession forces them to take an extremely precise choice of words – because every careless remark has sometimes serious consequences. This Knowledge, in Spite of the defenders of the US has hinschwandroniert-President, nevertheless, is risky – and raises further questions about the relationship between Donald Trump of Russia. Rudy Giuliani so had said on Sunday in an Interview that Trump or his former right-Hand man, Michael Cohen stand up to the presidential election in 2016, in contact with Moscow, where Trump had planned a high-rise project. This statement was in contradiction to previous data, Donald Trumps, and is therefore controversial, because Trump would have been followed in this case is still at an advanced Phase of his election campaign, business interests in Russia, which, in turn, could have its political attitude towards Moscow’s influence. It only took a day until Giuliani has understood the full implications of his Statement and back rowed His statement would be “not the actual sequence, or the circumstances of the discussions”, he said. It was purely “hypothetical” and not based “on interviews with Trump”. Lawyer Giuliani said in addition, the project in Moscow was still “in the earliest stage”.

21. January: Trump’s lawyer: talks about high-rise project in Moscow longer than previously known

Donald Trump has se according to ines lawyer for much longer with a high-rise project in Moscow involved than previously acknowledged. The current US President had led to October or November, 2016 with his former lawyer, Michael Cohen talks about the project, Trump said attorney Rudy Giuliani in the US channel NBC. It was not “given many” talks, “but there were conversations”. Giuliani’s statement means that Trump looked up to the presidential election in November 2016, with the ultimately not implemented in the high-rise project. The indication is therefore controversial, as it is a question of whether Trump pursued still at an advanced Phase of his election campaign, business interests in Russia – which, in turn, could have its political attitude towards Moscow’s influence. He himself had denied in the election campaign to have any Connections to Russia.

17. January: Trump is 100 percent for Nato and modernised missile defence

US President Donald Trump has assured that his country “is one hundred percent” behind the Nato. At the same time, the President on Thursday reiterated during a speech at the Pentagon, his claim for an increase in the defence expenditure of the Nato partners. “We can’t be the idiots of the other”, he repeated his accusation that other members of the military Alliance allowed the United States to protect, without doing enough of their own. Trump should have considered, according to the beginning of the week published report of the “New York Times” in the past year, on several occasions, from the Nato to withdraw. Before he took office in early 2017, he had called the military Alliance “superfluous”.

Trump announced during the speech that the United States expand its missile technology for the prevention of threats from North Korea, Iran, China and Russia – the two great powers are explicitly called. Adversaries and “rogue regimes” around the world, their missile arsenals built up steadily and concentrated on the development of long-range missiles that could reach targets in the United States, Trump said. The fact America has to respond, he said at the launch of a strategy paper in the Pentagon. To the outlined investment systems stationed in space. The All-new Battle scene, underscore, Trump, wants to defend the USA, thus possibly also in space. Whether the government can implement the projects, in fact, depends on whether they can ensure the financing. Nevertheless, the mere announcement is likely to Stoke race fears about a new arms race.

16. January: the US withdrawal from disarmament Treaty to

terminate is Not a solution to the dispute over the important INF disarmament Treaty to ban medium-range weapons: A Meeting of representatives of Russia and the United States is inconclusive. The United States will now initiate the process of exiting from the contract, said Andrea Thompson, U.S. under-Secretary of state to reporters the Nato. The INF Treaty dates back to the year 1987 and commenced the end of the Cold war. as the first major disarmament Treaty. The US and Nato accuse Russia, to break with new cruise missiles from 500 to 5500 km range against a deal. The United States had set Moscow, therefore, a last three-month period to relent, which expires at the beginning of February.

15. January: the Designated Minister of justice clearly contradicts Donald Trump and clear

The designated U.S. attorney General Bill Barr has rejected President Donald Trump in the evaluation of the investigation to Russia affair diametrically opposed: During the investigation it was his view, not a “witch hunt,” said Barr before the Senate judiciary Committee in Washington.

Trump denounces the investigations by the special investigator Robert Mueller to possible illegal collusion between the Trump Team and Moscow, and the suspicion of obstruction of Justice by the President regularly, as a gigantic “witch-hunt”. “I don’t think that she would not participate in Mr. Mueller on a witch hunt,” said Barr.

In a prepared statement for the hearing, Barr argued, moreover, that Mueller can bring his investigation to the end. He think it is “extremely important that the special investigator is possible, its investigation complete”. Further, Barr said that Mueller’s published final report. According to his view, it is very important that the Congress and the Public would be informed of the results. With his Remarks, Barr sought the Concerns of the opposition Democrats, to dispel, he could be stalling in the order Trumps the Mueller investigation. Barr was nominated at the beginning of December of Trump’s successor, Jeff Sessions, the President had shortly after the Congress urged elections in November to resign.


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