About a quarter of the health facilities in the world, according to the United Nations, there is no direct water supply in the house. The lack of hits overall, two billion people. According to the report of the world health organization (WHO) and the UN children’s Fund, Unicef, there are toilets in addition, in only 21 percent of hospitals and similar institutions have no, or only insufficient.

“water, sanitation and Hygiene in health facilities are the most basic requirements of infection prevention and control and quality assurance,” said UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, according to a message. The report is based on data from 125 countries and refers to the state in the year 2016. Guterres called on the people to support the efforts to improve the Situation.

Particularly problematic is the situation in the poorest countries. In 2016 there was, therefore, in 45 percent of health facilities with no direct access to water. The report’s authors estimate, on the basis of these Figures, that around 17 million women per year under poor hygiene conditions of children to the world. More than a Million deaths among mothers and newborn babies are due to the fact.

“If a Baby is born in a facility without adequate water supply, toilets and hygiene standards, the risk for infections or the death of the mother and the child,” said Unicef Executive Director Henrietta Fore. “Every birth should be supported by a clean Pair of hands, washed with soap and water, sterile Equipment and a clean environment.”


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