The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has chosen Two Sisters, the second most populated municipality of Seville (about 134.000 inhabitants), for its first meeting after its debut in the televised debate Monday. Abascal filled the auditorium of The Rio, with a capacity of 3,500 seats. He was welcomed with shouts of long live Spain, the Civil Guard and Vox. In this city, whose mayor has the socialist Quico Tuscan since 1983, has the PSOE as one of their greatest strongholds election. Vox was in fourth position in the election six months ago, above the PP. In the computation of the provincial party, the party of ultra-right took out one of the 12 seats in contention in the elections.

Vox chose Two Sisters as a challenge. Here the PSOE filled, in other stages, a venue huge as the Velodrome with more than 20,000 people and it was also here where the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, announced his candidacy for the primaries of the PSOE. Abascal recalled that not long ago only a handful of people came to his actions in the centre of Seville, who conducted them with a megaphone. “Today, we are with 5,000 people in the fief of socialism. Pedro Sánchez does not dare to come,” he said.


Errejón complains that the parties did not respond to the “rally” of Vox in the debate Elections 10 N: The best moments of the election debate to five Abascal, the man who wasn’t there, but it is

Abascal asked his followers not to “disrupt the polls”. Some polls put the party of ultra-right in third position, something that they do not give a lot of credit in Vox. “We do not come up that this is going to be a long battle,” said Abascal, who said that the construction of an “alternative patriotic” is not a question of one or two years but for more than a decade. “Never will throw in the towel, or give a step back”, he stressed.

The candidate of Vox to the presidency of the Government told some anecdotes about the debate with the other candidates. He said that was the discussion with a small photo of Kennedy and a family watching tv. “What happened yesterday was very important. We were able to address our fellow citizens without the simultaneous translation of the media and other parties”, he noted. He said that he saw “sweeps and nerves of any man”, in allusion to Albert Rivera, who accused the “dirty game”. He also noted that it established a certain complicity with the leader of we Can. “There was one who was wearing a sack… I can’t be more far away from Churches, but each time we saw it we looked at and got up the eyebrow”.

Abascal called on Two Sisters, the declaration of state of siege in Catalonia, the arrest of the president of the Generalitat, and kept all its data on violations carried out by foreigners who do not have any collateral.

The previous day, the president of Vox, Madrid, Mist, Monastery, chose a juvenile facility in the seville neighborhood of la Macarena, supervised by the regional government of Andalusia, to campaign. Went on to denounce the “lack of security” and “serious problems” which, according to it generate the unaccompanied migrant children (there are 17 people in the center) in a district in which, according to the municipal census, is home to the 19% of the foreign population of the andalusian capital. Neighborhood associations and the city Hall of Seville, the (people) rejected, because there is no data to support that statement of an architect. According to the regional government of Andalusia, the rate of crime in centres for foreign minors is 0,54%.


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