Shortly before the state election, new evidence on extreme right-wing contacts of the Brandenburg AfD top candidate, Andreas Kalbitz have become known: According to “mirror”the information he took in 2007 at a parade in Athens. Kalbitz lived, therefore, with 13 other German right-wing extremists, including the former NPD chief Udo Voigt, in the same Hotel. The evidence is a document from the Embassy in Athens, which had posted a liaison officer of the Federal criminal police office (BKA) on-site, it is in the report.

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In the document, the speech of the “14 German neo-Nazis”, for a March to the Greek “Patriotic Alliance” on the 27th, therefore, is. January 2007 arrived were, a right-wing Alliance to the neo-Nazi party, Golden dawn. In addition to Voigt for more management people are listed in the NPD, and the party of young scientists, such as the “mirror” reported on Friday from the present document.

One of the travellers, therefore, later in the suspicion that a second national socialist underground (NSU) to build, and the other two had bonded as a right-wing mercenaries in Croatia.

AfD top candidate Kalbitz: “It is true that I was twelve years ago in Athens,”

The Federal criminal police office documented the “mirror”according to a report in the trip, because the group had triggered a police operation. You’ve hung on the balcony of your Hotel on a swastika flag. In the night, then allegedly “of the anarchist scene would have thrown” belonging to Unknown Molotov Cocktails “in the hotel entrance and on the balcony”.

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To “mirror”request confirmed Kalbitz the trip: “It is true that I was twelve years ago in Athens.” The invitation was made through a foreign contact. There have been in addition to the said group “a number of German and other international visitors to this event”, “in my case”.

Kalbitz said in his answer to the “mirror”of the request, the March did not please him: “In the ex-post evaluation of this event, this was not likely to arouse my interest or approval, neither in the policy objectives nor in the composition of the participants.” The Brandenburg AfD-state and parliamentary leader stressed that he was “never a member of the NPD”, not “had been there” and “no personal contact”.

Another review of a rather extreme summer camp

On Thursday had already reported to the RBB over further Connections Kalbitz into the extreme right camp. He is said to have participated in the July, 1993, at a so-called summer camp of the extreme right-wing Association “The home faithful youth e. V.” in Thuringia. This renamed later in “home fidelity deutsche Jugend” (HDJ) and was banned in 2009 by the Federal Ministry of the interior.

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The Right-wing Camp was from the police first observed, and then been searched, such as the ARD-Magazin “contrasts” and the RBB-magazine “Brandenburg aktuell” reported. From a Constitution protection act that the Thuringian police in a “Kalbfitz, Andreas, geb. 17.11.1972 in Munich” listed had. Date and place of birth are identical with the data of Andreas Kalbitz, the incorrect spelling of his surname seems to be based on a typo.

Kalbitz said the RBB to be an “old hat” and “election campaign noise”. In the past year, he had granted, to have in 2007, at a Pentecostal camp, the HDJ participated. “I was a guest there, presumably to give me the time to look at,” said Kalbitz 2018. The “daily mirror” on Tuesday that the AfD had said-politician, he had not participated in Camps, in addition to the Whitsun camp in 2007 to further HDJ -.

fs / AFP topics in this article, Andreas Kalbitz AfD – Nazis NPD Brandenburg Udo Voigt BKA police Saxony Landtag election, right-wing extremists, neo-Nazi Golden dawn NSU Croatia to Athens New policy United States the hatred of The white men, display star travel worlds, American Football live-journey to the NFL in the USA policies, The Green, thousands of new members – a party m altitude in flight analysis After the CNN Interview, trump’s campaign spokesperson denies every lie – the lies the carousel works in the White house, the AfD’s top candidate in Brandenburg, A man who looks like to the Right: Andreas Kalbitz, the popular Populist AFP UK Brexit or die: What’s Boris Johnson, and James Bond have in common By Cornelia Fuchs of the state Parliament elections in Saxony and Brandenburg: economy and politics before the image of the länder in Amazon fires, Brazil’s President, son of: harm and warn us for aid, not “prostitute” DPA Simon Kremer – Lost in the middle East Good tourist, bad tourist Are: The Kebab-a skewer shows the true face of control of the earth’s orbit, US Space Command: Donald Trump is aiming for the “supremacy in space” to the DPA Prior to the supermarket blank gun and head nut: Drunk AfD-the city Council should have rioted in Weimar DPA 40 new Levels Mahjong – for free Now! Play the US election campaign, Joe Biden offers touching soldiers-Story – unfortunately, the invented Madeleine Westerhout Trumps is the personal assistant has to – because she has to talk much to the press Interview of the Ex-Minister of defense Why the General “Mad Dog” Jim Mattis to prevent the re-election Trumps could fit Gernot Kramper Which party is to me? The Wahl-O-Mat to the Landtag elections in Saxony and Brandenburg and its Alternative Before the state election, Russia love, Protest voters and “We-feeling” – four reporters about their home in Saxony Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow Hong Kong prohibits Demonstration – well-known democracy activists back to free Podcast “Survivors” Madrid bombing in 2004, Raquel Gómez survived the Terror and “would like to wear again, shoes with paragraph” According to the media report, Dobrindt calls for penalty tax to cheap flights – CSU-to-peak proposal conceded a DPA Tweet-storm Donald Trump is Breaking now finally with his former favorite station, Fox News? Niels Kruse +++ Trump-Ticker +++ Pence instead of Trump Trump’s journey says to Poland, due to hurricane “Dorian” from AFP


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