To the electoral debates, the contenders are not going to make friends; much less when there is only one duel, as happens in these elections. For nearly three hours, the heads of list for the elections of 10 November did not give truce. All against all. The covenants by which they can get the matches after the elections are made at the margin of the exchange of blows last night. The virulence between Paul Married Albert Rivera was not planned —at least for the first—, but failed because it had nothing to lose. On the left, the attempts of Paul’s Churches to create a climate of understanding between the PSOE and United We were useless.

The socialist candidate, Pedro Sánchez, it gave the Churches a chance to show closeness, empathy or complicity. The socialist candidate came in with a crust of great thickness, which withstood without difficulty all the attacks. Almost none of the attacks caused him to skip his own script: to remain unshaken by the questions of his adversaries.

To the right and left I was bombarded with the same question: “is Mr. Sanchez, who you are going to agree to?”. The answer to that question other than Married, Rivera and Churches gave him cover to escape. Even got to smirk about the pacts that have been attributed in the past and attributed to him in the immediate future.

“How Torra, with the separatists, with the rebels…?”, we inquirían from the right. “Let us know if you are going to agree with Married”, she told Churches. Both options are incompatible: such as blowing and sipping at the same time. Sanchez escaped and merely reiterate his request that you vote to him. Who? The candidate of the PSOE is not averse to anyone. Sanchez, yes, he wanted to differentiate the option that he represents the leading Churches.


So you have been told the election debate Lies and half-truths in the debate Poll | Who do you think is the winner of the debate?

Your left “is the Government”, point out in your environment, nothing repenting of having entered the melee with Churches when this is not what you were looking for. The recipient of your message is all the electorate of left-wing moderate and center. It is not a trivial or casual that Sanchez appoint the minister-in functions Nadia Calviño, before the television cameras, vice president of economic Government. A message cabled to Europe that the rigor of economic is guaranteed and the deficit is not desbocará.

In each block there were ads. Sanchez, to despair of the rest, do not let out the Official Bulletin of the State during the three-hour appearance. In each block, introduced proposals. Some of draft. Other a lot, which is committed if you renew the presidency. The discussions, in the end, is not going to make friends but also to make confessions. Married ditched the possibility that it’s going to be to form a grand coalition with the PSOE. It is clear that there will not be agreement, but there are other ways to agree that they will not appear until the day after the election. “The right-wing discussed a lot, but then agrees, to see if we can learn,” said Churches. There was No response.


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