It is an event, as there are in sports and other Clubs on a daily basis: in Order to bring some money in the cash register, sold Tickets to a raffle. The donors get the Chance to win a prize – and all are satisfied. But while hardly anyone would have the idea to raffle off at an event for a children’s sports club Sextoys or liquor, was in Ohio with heavy weapons much less problems.

“mentally disturbed from the road Trump get”: the Mentally Ill should not have weapons have planned

As the “New Richmond Junior Lions Football” his latest fundraiser to raffle off there attractive prices and decided to go for the heavy artillery. In the case of the football team, a Glock was chosen pistol, the cheerleading Team raffled off, with a ON 15 assault rifle. The prices are not a coincidence, it showed the Name of the raffle: “NRJLF Cheer Gun Raffle Fundraiser” (NRJLF Cheerleader weapons raffle fundraiser) flashed up on the Tickets. And, although the Tickets were sold to children.

children, the weapons are giving away

“This is absurd. We allow elementary school students assault rifles to sell. But why?” excited Heather Chilton, the mother of one of the cheerleaders, in the local stations, “WXIX”. “I don’t think so, that something happens with the weapons. But let’s say that one of the High School kids get here, the AM15 in the hands and commits a school massacre. Should I be the one that has sold his father the winning ticket?”

A weapons opponent Chilton is not. You have some of my own, she told the TV channel “WCPO”. Ensure you make yourself more that your daughter could meet in the in the weapons question quite heated climate on a weapons opponent. “We do not know whether Bob has at the end of the road for weapons. Why should I send my daughter to a weapons opponent? He knows our faces.” In addition, it is also the principle: “Our children should have nothing to do with it. Point. You want to be a Cheerleader.”

Little resistance

on a Voluntary basis the distribution of the Tickets was: Every child should at least sell ten Tickets, so a brochure, which is the CBS belonging to the TV channel “WKRC” and by the Association Executive Board as the real was confirmed. Of these, five each for the arms and a gift basket raffle are planned. After all, the organizers took the Concerns of the mothers seriously: One of them was that their daughter only had to raffle off gift baskets.

The club has not been harmed by the action. “Since this is landed in the press, are attracted to the Ticket sales significantly,” said club Manager Robert Wooten to “WKRC”. He understand the Concerns, said the father of five children. Nevertheless, he wants the for the fourth Time instead of find gun raffle pull this off, you have to rethink the next Time but again with the club. The resistance, however, seems rather low: so Far only two parents have complained couples.
source: WKRC, WXIX, WCPO

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