Nübbel: Automatic call for help will cost you 18-Year-old driver license

In the schleswig-Holstein Nübbel (Rendsburg-Eckernförde) has become an 18-year-old novice in the used car’s built-in technology to doom. According to police reports, the young man was with the vehicle of a family member on the road, as he swerved off the road and against a tree bounced. The 18-Year-old remained thankfully unharmed but the accident did not go unnoticed. So the car was sent an automatic distress call to the manufacturer, the informed, in turn, the police in Kiel.

Ultimately, the officials represented the motorist in the case of friends and not only that: they Also found, by means of alcohol testing that the 18 had been drinking the Year before (1,19 alcohol breath alcohol). The Accused admitted the travel to see him two blood had been sampled. In addition, he had to give his only a month ago issued driver’s license.The car has a damage of about 10.000 euros, according to police.

source: police Neumünster


police officers and forensic technicians are on the scene of the crime in Wuppertal

©Claudia Otte DPA Wuppertal: man out of car shot down

In Wuppertal, Germany, has been injured on Sunday evening, a man by one or several shots. As the “Rheinische Post” reported, alerted police to the Injured person bleeding on the road. Accordingly, the witnesses had observed, such as from a passing car out on the man who sat in turn in a vehicle, was shot. Then the perpetrators were able to escape undetected.

Whether the injured 36-heaved Years, then even out of his car or whether it is a witness helped out, remained first unclear. Also the state of health of the man who is said to have suffered according to the report, multiple gunshot wounds, the police no information. You have a homicide to investigate in all directions, is quoted a police spokesman.

source: “Rheinische Post”

Ratingen: children are not returned from the Play – search successfully

Night-time large-scale use because of two missing children in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Ratingen: Because on Sunday afternoon a six-year-old girl and a 14-year-old Boy did not return from the Play, police, fire brigades and Technical relief in on Monday night, among other things, about a hundred forces, a helicopter and several search dogs. The search was however unsuccessful.

it was Only when the police on Monday morning, the photos published, reported a witness had seen the children in Ratingen. The six-year-old and 14 were found to keep-Year-old. The background of the apparently voluntary disappearance were unclear at first.

source: AFP

Kiel: man is a week-long dead in his apartment

In Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein) has located a man possibly over weeks dead in his apartment. According to “Kieler Nachrichten” was discovered 68-Year-old at the weekend for Clues from the neighborhood. Signs of a crime, there is not, according to the report.

Presumably, the man had died already in March, it says. In order to obtain information about possible pre-existing conditions of the man who wants to contact the police now the house doctor. The investigation is going.

source: “Kieler Nachrichten”

Mindelheim: woman by a cannon shot hard

injured A 23-year-old woman has been injured in a training Exercise with a medieval cannon in the Bavarian town of Mindelheim difficult. When Loading the gun had loosened a shot that wounded the young woman, heavy in the Hand, police said on Sunday. The 23-Year-old was flown to a clinic, and emergency surgery. You have possessed the necessary permission to manage the medieval cannon, a police spokesman said.

The accident on Sunday occurred during a training Exercise on the use of weapons of the Federal upper Swabian landsknechts (BOL) and the Frundsberg festival ring on the occasion of the 500. Anniversary of the death of the Emperor Maximilian I (1495-1519). The Federal upper Swabian landsknechts is an Association of historical groups and clubs that re-enact historical battles and sieges.

About 350 people had been on Sunday afternoon, below the Mindel castle, said a police spokesman. Notes on possible third-party negligence, it does not give. The criminal investigation Department in Memmingen has started investigations.

source: REUTERS

Moers: woman dies after alleged car race – two Suspects identified

After an alleged car race on Easter Monday in Moers, in the case of an innocent 43-year-old woman was killed, has identified the police two Suspects. A spokesman for the Prosecutor’s office Kleve said the German press Agency on Monday morning, two drivers were under suspicion, according to which now. If they actually had something to do with the fact that needs to be clarified. Currently, they are fleeting.

Two racers to have high-horsepower cars on a according to the Prosecutor, “the narrow road” in Moers in an illegal car race delivered. One of the two should be tried according to witness statements, to overtake his opponent and to the opposite lane, where he was in the car the 43-Year-old collided. The two strangers fled from the scene of the accident. A homicide is investigating the case.

source: REUTERS

news from Germany the week of January 22. to 28. April 2019 you can read here:

news from Germany, Eleven – to 13-year-old children, grope, and beat up a young woman on the train

Unna: children grope women in the train +++ Cologne: Ebay-buyer is robbed at the time of Delivery +++ Hannover: Hochzeitskorso is shutting down the A2 +++ Suhl/Meiningen: Pile-up after a sudden hail – A71 in both directions blocked +++ news from Germany

mod / DPA / AFP


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