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To include the diverse wild bee fauna in Germany, bee mask, bee numerous Sand, silk, bees, masonry bees, leaf cutter bees, wool, bees bees, long-horn, and many more. Most bees live in the Wild individually, that is, each female takes care of after fertilization to the young. Exceptions are some social species such as narrow-bees and Bumble-bees, which gather up to several Hundred workers. The habitats of wild bees are diverse. They build small nests made of mud, resin, pebbles, or leaves, digging passages in the rocks in the ground, or between pebbles, hollow plant stems, occupying abandoned snail shells, or colonize the Bohrgänge of wood living beetles. Each species prefers its own particular nesting place.

Also in terms of sources of Feed are specialized bee species maximum, and thus on appropriate flowering plants rely. Pants bees, for example, their Pollen-Laden hind legs to bell bottoms from the seventies, remember, taxes only certain Asteraceae or carding plants. And among the Central European bees, only the bumblebees are proficient in vibration technology, with the help of shake in a very specific frequency on the flowers of nightshade, to give your Pollen-free. This is the reason why tomatoes, peppers and eggplant in Europe exclusively by Bumble bees to pollinate. In the meantime, these are bred on a large scale and in greenhouses around the world.

Ecology – Here the bee comes to locusts in the vacuum cleaner beetle, wasps,: What happens to an Ecosystem if insects are rare, and research biologists in Jena – with some amazing methods. A video report © photo: Sven kaestner, Approximately 40 species of bees are considered to be lost or extinct

Because the little guys are so important, is the currently estimated Insect losses in North America and Western Europe concern (Biological Conservation: Sánchez-Bayo/Wyckhuys, 2019). Now each type is not equally at risk and also bee are differently affected. However, for the entirety of the wild bees in Germany, a frightening picture emerges: More than half is on the Red list of endangered animal species, 37 species are considered lost or extinct. The Trend is clearly down. “All the experts know that there has been a marked decline. Even in conservation areas, we no longer make many of types we have observed there in the past,” says wild, a bee expert Paul Westrich. The insects to die, to quantify, however, is extremely difficult.

The bumblebee What are Bumble bees?

What few people know: Bumble bees are just bees. Its Latin genus name, bombus means “the buzz”. Free bumblebees so, certainly be described as a Juggernaut to be translated.

Contrary to popular belief, the furry insects have quite a sting. Particularly aggressive but they are not. They sting only to defend themselves – for example, if someone inadvertently steps on them.


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