fades The diversity of insects in the world – so far, so good. However, in the current dispute between farmers and nature conservationists in Bavaria, it goes to the heart of the question: How to back up the data on insects are dying in Germany and globally? And pesticides, mono cultures, are meadows, to a little natural – and ultimately, the intensive agriculture – really mainly to blame for this?

A recent overview study, which will appear in the Journal Biological Conservation (Sánchez-Bayo/Wyckhuys, 2019) and online in advance is available, supported now just that: according to The researchers, 40 percent of the insect species show a worldwide decrease, a third of the species threatened with extinction. As the largest driver of the insects dying, they identified the loss of habitat due to intensive agriculture and increasing urbanization. Chemical pollutants such as pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, invasive species, and climate change would add, as causes.

If the insects mass take still a year to 2.5 percent, it could be gone the most species-rich class of animals in a century, warns the Team of Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, University of Sydney, created the work with Kris Wyckhuys of the Chinese Academy of agricultural science (CAAS), based in Beijing.

For their review, researchers analyzed 73 studies on the insects die, and compared the data. The results summarized them for their work. Therefore, butterflies, beetles and Hymenoptera are the country most threatened by the decline of Species affected. The Latter include also the bees. Also water-living insects have been taken into account: The four groups of dragonflies, stone flies, caddis flies and mayflies significant species showed losses.

Indispensable as pollinators and food for other animals

More than 60 percent of all known animal species are insects. They form the wide Food base for many species of amphibians, reptiles, fish and birds. And also for the people you have an existential function: they pollinate plants, fruits, vegetables, and fodder.

“If the insects can die, be not stopped, it will have disastrous consequences for the Ecosystem of the earth and the Survival of humanity,” says Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, the main author of the current study.

The world must change the way that food is produced, says Sánchez-Bayo. Particularly, the use of pesticides should be reduced. These funds are under suspicion, in particular the nervous system of bees to attack. Since 2013, the Neonicotinoids in Europe, may be not, therefore, more and more plants on which bees normally settle down. Some of the insecticides have been banned.

For a change in agriculture, the people’s desire for diversity of species in Bavaria is currently. Under the Motto “Save the bees!” do you want to obtain the ÖDP, the Green and the land Covenant for the protection of birds in Bavaria, an Amendment of the nature conservation act. They demand, among other things, an expansion of organic farming to 20 percent by 2025 and 30 percent by 2030. Currently, ten percent of the areas in Bavaria are cultivated ecologically.

More what is at risk to bees and other insects, read here.


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