After Freddie Mercury and Elton John, it was the turn of Elvis Presley to have the right to his biopic. Many actors were vying for interpreting the role of the King, whom Ansel Elgort ( Divergent ), Miles Teller ( Whiplash) or even Harry Styles, ex-members of One Direction. It is finally to Austin Butler, 27, who persuaded the filmmaker Baz Luhrmann.

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beginnings in the Disney Channel

The actor, who is today the poster for the latest Tarantino film, Once upon a Time… in Hollywood , and has also toured with Jim Jarmusch ( The Dead Don’t Die ), began his career at the Disney Channel in chaining small roles. Actor but also a singer and a dancer this is by Broadway, with The ice cream is past and Boy lost, that it will begin to make themselves known.

The choice was not simple according to the developer who “couldn’t make this movie if the casting was not

“I knew without the slightest doubt that I had found an artist capable of embodying the spirit of one of the musical figures from the iconic to the world”

Baz Luhrmann

a total accuracy”. “We have conducted research major to find a comedian capable of reproducing the gestures so peculiar to this star incomparable and make proof of the same vocal qualities, but also to express the intrinsic vulnerability of the artist”, he adds in a press release.

Then he heard about Austin on the subject of ice cream is past . “After countless trials and workshops in music and acting, I knew without the slightest doubt that I had found an artist capable of embodying the spirit of one of the musical figures from the iconic to the world,” he said.

” READ ALSO – “Elvis Presley was a romantic more than a beast of sex”

big names for the rest of the team

The scenario co-written by Baz Luhrmann and Craig Pearce is likely to focus, according to Deadline, on the rise of the King “through the prism of its complex relationship of nearly two decades with his manager, colonel Parker”. And it’s Tom Hanks ( Alone ), which has been chosen to assume this second role.

the director of The biopic will also take care of the production side of Catherine Martin, with whom he previously worked on Moulin rouge . The shooting will begin next year in Australia, but for the moment nothing has been revealed, not even the title of the film. The fans will be patient before you can admire the King of Rock doing his famous hipped on the big screen.


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