29. August: Ernsting’s family calls back boys Shirts because of the health hazard

Ernsting’s family informed about the recall of children’s T-Shirts “Lego Ninjago“ of the manufacturer of Kabooki A/S. In the own checks found that the black print contains a hazardous Azo dye. This in excess of the legal limit, the company said. Customers who have already purchased the item, can give it back without a receipt and get the purchase price refunded.

azo dyes can be toxic and carcinogenic. Prolonged contact with the skin and the oral cavity should be avoided.

28. August: Edeka ox kaustangen for dogs

In the dog snack “Edeka ox kaustangen called” isolated Salmonella were detected. Therefore, the Nutraferm Petfood GmbH returns to the chew for four-legged friend well, it was according to the manufacturer a precautionary measure. The affected 100 grams bag of Snacks distribute both Edeka, as well as market stores purchase. The product is, regardless of the date of minimum durability, called back, buyer will be refunded the purchase price without presentation of the receipts in the relevant purchasing market.

source: press release Nutraferm Petfood GmbH

24. August: Franken Bräu calls Pilsener back

The Franken Bräu Lorenz Bauer GmbH & Co KG returns to the Franken Bräu Pilsener with the date of minimum durability 05.05.2020. As the company announced, it can not be excluded that in the product, residues of cleaning agents are located. A consumption is hazardous to health and can cause strong Flavor.

source: product warning.eu

23. August: Bonduelle Leipziger Allerlei is

Bonduelle recalled certain cans of the product calls back Leipziger Allerlei. In the 200 and 400 grams cans with the date of minimum durability from the 31.07.2024 small Glass fragments might be included, such as the food manufacturer announced. Doses with other durability data were not explicitly affected. The product should dispose of the customer, the purchase price and any shipping costs Bonduelle refunded. For this, people need to send their name, a photo of the box as well as your Bank account data to info@bonduelle-rueckruf.de .

source: press release Bonduelle

23. August: TAD Pharma Harntee calls “400 TAD N” back

Because of the discovery of glass shards in one packaging, the TAD Pharma GmbH, Cuxhaven, has recalled the product “Harntee 400 TAD N” as a precautionary measure. The 150 ml was affected granules with the batch number 21803011, informed the company on Friday. Anyone who has an appropriate product home, not to eat them as a precautionary measure, and return it to the pharmacy. The product had nationwide been sold, said a company spokesman on Friday evening.

source: REUTERS

21. August: sour cherry-fruit spread made by Rewe back

called A sour cherry fruit spread from Rewe is being recalled due to possible glass pieces as a precaution. Specifically, it is the product of “REWE Bio sour cherry 75% 250g, date of minimum durability: 25.10.2020 time: 16.00 to 17.15 fruit”. The manufacturer, the ODW food GmbH informed. The recall of successes as a purely precautionary measure, it cannot be excluded that in the glasses small glass pieces could be. The company had the goods from the sale to take. Customers can return the fruit spread and get your money refunded.

source: REUTERS

20. August: Hegnacher mill gets flour and meal back

The company Hegnacher mill gets flour and meal with the date of minimum durability (best before date) 13. July 2024. Reason is according to a press release, in the grinding products moths and Webs could be found in. Accordingly, the “extreme heat in the spring have resulted in” the moths have greatly increased.

customers will now be asked to verify purchased products. “Goods which are not seems to you perfectly, no matter what shelf life it has, it will load either at the Mill or in the respective markets exchanged,” writes the company. To ensure the safety of food, the last weekend the mill, as at 13. Once again, completely cleaned, it is called.

source: press release Hegnacher mill

20. August: the manufacturer calls for venison salami back

Because they may contain metallic foreign body, returns to a meat producer, a venison salami. In the sausage “Salame di cervo” could be ammunition residue, informed the company dryer Sebastian, based in Kollmann in South Tyrol on Thursday. Affected products with a best before date of 18. August to the 19th century. September, 2019. You are in addition to the lot number “0219” to. Customers no longer want to eat the Salami. A return of the sausage is possible. In deciding the transactions for which the Salami was sold, it is not clear from the recall from the manufacturer. Affected the States of Bavaria, Hesse, lower Saxony, Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.

source: REUTERS

12 calls. August: ocean fish wholesale GmbH, warns against consumption of dry fish

The company ocean GmbH warns against the consumption of several varieties of dry fish, as this can cause life-threatening poisoning “botulism”. These varieties are specifically affected:

roach (rutilus rutilus) left-taken, dried and salted; min esthal before date (MHD): except 12.11.2019 roach (rutilus rutilus), dried and salted;min esthal before date (MHD): 05.03.2020 crucians (Carssius Gibelio) dried and salted; min esthal before date (MHD): 27.05.2020 perch (Perca Fluvictilis) dried and salted; min esthal before date (MHD): 27.05.2020 trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) dried and salted; min esthal before date (MHD): 09.03.2020 pike (Esox lucius) dried and salted; Mind esthal before date (MHD): 11.07.2020

The poisoning “botulism” is manifested by headache, Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, or paralysis. Upon the Occurrence of the symptoms should immediately consult a doctor.

source: “clean kids”

8. August: net Apple juice of type calls “island Fruit” back

The Discounter net Apple juice of type “calls back to the fruit island” because the bottles could burst. There is the risk of glass was therefore splinters, a spokesman for the brewery Horneck. It was 0.5-litre glass bottles, with Minimum shelf life:tsdatum 26.03.2020. The product was sold in Netto stores in Parts of Bavaria and Baden-württemberg. Affected can give the drink even without a receipt, back.

source: “product alert”

8. August: Aldi is calling walkers of the brand, “Aspiria Nonfood” back

Aldi returns to walkers due to quality problems. In the case of heavy load, the seat could tear down the side, so the company Asprira non-food GmbH. Affected are the walkers with the article numbers 29077885, 4088500124897 and 4088500130157 and the model number ANS-18-122. The crutches were nationwide sold at Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. Affected customers can bring a Walker, even without a receipt back to the store.

source: “product alert”

6. August: Edeka calls “delicatessen ham sausage” back

Edeka called “delicatessen ham sausage” the brand “Good&Cheap” back. It cannot be excluded that, in individual packaging-sausage Ham and also cheese’s, said the grocer. Who is not against milk or milk components allergic, can enjoy the products with ease. The allergens will not be listed in the ingredients, which is why the product will as a precautionary measure, recalled. Concerned the 400-gram pack, with the date of minimum durability 13.08.2019 and the veterinary control number DE BW 03333 E. The product was nationwide gone with the exception of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Hesse and the Saarland in the sale.

source: REUTERS

2. August: High content of hydrocyanic acid: apricot kernels back

called Because of a possible health risk due to blue-acid, the lower Bavarian company Salzhäus’l Himalayan crystal salt GmbH recalls products with apricot kernels. As the company Massing in the district of Rottal-told Inn on Thursday, are concerned, the following Were: Bio-Natura Nr. 8 apricot kernels organic apricot kernels organic Müslimix-addition of apricot kernels. The recall applies to all batches of these products. The articles were distributed over the Internet, and in retail. A consumption can paralysis to Breathing or lead to death. Customers could return the item for a refund of the purchase price.

source: Reuters

2. August: Cabanossi from Hofmaier back

The company Metten Fleischwaren calls a certain game of Cabanossi-back sausages the mark Hofmaier, which were nationwide sold by the retail chain Netto Marken-Discount. It cannot be excluded that the red plastic parts are included in the sausage as a foreign body, said Metten on Thursday in the Sauerland Finnentrop. Are affected, therefore, the 300-gram packs of the article, Cabanossi steamed, smoked,” the date of minimum durability 22.08.19 and the batch number MET 1580409. The packaging, the company logo “Metten” and the veterinary control number DE EV 356 E. not Yet sold in packs of brands would have to be borne at a net Discount from the range has been taken. Further, the minimum shelf life data, batch numbers or other Hofmaier-products were not affected. Anyone who has bought the sausages, you can give according to Metten, even without a receipt and in the markets back and get the purchase price refunded.

source: Reuters

31. July: Aldi Nord chocolate biscuits call back

Aldi Nord has recalled the product “Biscotti American Cookies” in the 225-gram pack. Affected article with the date of minimum durability 24.05.2020. It cannot be excluded that plastic foreign body to be included in the product. The cookies should not be consumed as a precaution. The article can be returned in the Aldi-Nord stores, the purchase price will be refunded. The chocolate biscuits have been exclusively Taught in Aldi stores in Bargteheide, Barleben, Berlin, Germany, Beucha, Beverstedt, dates, Greven, Hann, Münden, Herten, Horst, Jarmen,-Sievershausen, Lingen, in the middle of the forest, Nortorf, Radevormwald, Germany, Rinteln, Schloß-Holte, Weimar and Werl sold.

source: Aldi Nord

30. July: dairy Söbbeke calls for chocolate pudding, and Red grits back

The dairy Söbbeke has recalled some batches of chocolate pudding and Red berries due to possible glass fragments back. It cannot be excluded that in individual cases, the safety glass in the products were told the manufacturer of organic products, with its headquarters in Gronau, in the münsterland region on Tuesday. The warning relates to the organic chocolate pudding from Söbbeke the date of minimum durability 9. August and the Bio-Red berry up to 16. August durable, as the Internet portal lebensmittelwarnung.de is. Were sold the desserts, according to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Hamburg, Hesse, and Rhineland-Palatinate.

source: Reuters

30. July: consumer protection warns of chocolate puddings from Alnatura

The Federal office for consumer protection and food safety, warns nationwide prior to the use of the chocolate puddings from Alnatura. The 150-gram Cup could contain shards of glass. In such a Cup with the date of minimum durability 9. August 2019, had been found a piece of glass of one centimeter length, said Alnatura, with headquarters in the Hessian town of Darmstadt, on the company’s website. Consumers should return the product in the shops back.

source: Reuters

29. July: feeding Bowl, dog snacks call back

the Bowl calls back from different reasons, a variety of dog snacks: “Real Nature Wilderness Adult Best Horse”-sausages in the 800-gram pack, and a 400-gram pack. There is a difference in Quality in front of sun “on the basis of a maximum level is exceeded by Cadmium,” writes the company.

Furthermore, it is recalled because of contamination with Salmonella: “MultiFit native lamb lung” 150-gram pack, “MultiFit calves maw”, 200-gram pack, “MultiFit cattle head skin bar” 180-gram pack, “MultiFit cow skin head”, 200-gram pack, and “REAL NATURE Wilderness Soft Snack horse” in the 150-gram pack. Customers can return the products and get the purchase price refunded.

More information about the affected batches here

source: Fressnapf

25. July: Dennree returns to nationwide green tea with hemp

organic food manufacturers Dennree calls its product “Higher Living green tea hemp”. Reason a higher THC content, it is stated in the message of the company. And further: “In the case of ingestion of large quantities of the tea a health impairment cannot be excluded”, The active ingredient of THC, the main intoxicating effects of hemp will be attributed to plants. Viewingopen of the recall, only the packages with the date of minimum durability 6.2.2024 are. Dennree asks customers who have purchased the product, to consume this. Instead, the purchase price of the sale is also without a receipt be returned.

source: Lebensmittelwarnung.de / manufacturer

23. July: the company returns to Aldi-mince

Due to possible plastic pieces in the minced meat, a meat producer recalls a product that was sold at Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. It’ll go to 500-gram packs of “my butcher – Mixed minced meat” with the consumption data 27. July (Aldi Süd) and 28. July (Aldi Nord). The company Tillman’s butcher Quality from the East Westphalian Rheda-Wiedenbrück announced on Tuesday.

“It cannot be excluded that in the affected product small, red plastic foreign body are included. Customers who have purchased the above product should not consume this product”, – stated in the message.

Aldi Nord and Süd have put the minced meat already from the sale. Customers could get the purchase price upon return of the flesh, even without a receipt be refunded. The product had been sold in the following länder: Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia.

23. July: a warning against Salmonella in sheep cheese

The Federal office for consumer protection and food safety, warns in several German Federal States from Salmonella in a sheep’s milk cheese from France. Affected the cheese Brebis Du Lochois Petit Cendre (sheep soft cheese – one don), Brebis You Lochois Petit Blanc (sheep soft cheese – white) and Brossauthym (sheep’s cheese – oval), it said in a notice dated Tuesday. Since the 22. May in marketable sheep’s milk cheese from the manufacturer GAEC Froidevaux Cornuet in Perrusson should not be consumed. The warning concerned the countries of Bavaria, Berlin, Hesse, lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia. Infection with Salmonella causes diarrhea and vomiting.

16. July: Volvo calls diesel vehicles

Volvo returns to the world 507.000 diesel vehicles. Reason a possible defect in the engine. As the Internet portal “Automotive recalls“ reported, could overheat some of the cars that were produced between 2014 and 2019, the intake manifold is made of plastic and deform. An illumination of the engine warning light, a motor drive interruption or poor performance are the potential consequences. In the worst case, the possibility that a localized engine room fire, the following can occur, there it is. The following series are affected by the recall:

V40V40CCS60S60CCV60V60CCXC60V70XC70S80S90V90V90CC undXC90

The holder would be informed in a Letter about the shortage. In Germany 54.704 vehicles will be affected.

12. July: discounters hack Peter

calls The Good Erkenloh meat operation GmbH your product “mince (ground Pork, seasoned, 300g)”. In the context of a control was detected in a sample, Listeria, said in an official communication. The Mett is available in the branches of the discounter net in Parts of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The recall was only for goods with the use-by date 15.07.2019 the batch number 6244220, – stated in the message. Listeria bacteria, which can cause a highly infectious of listeriosis are. Symptoms of infection including fever and vomiting.


Because of Listeria were found in a sample, customers should bring the hack is Peter with a “use by” date 15.07.2019 to the net.

©product warning.eu 9. July: ergo alkaloids discovered: the Bavarian company calls for rye flour calls, for reasons of preventive consumer protection, a Batch of the product “back rye flour Type 1150”. According to the company, it was found during a check of the Batch with the date of minimum durability 17.07.20 an increased amount of ergo-alkaloids. A consumption of the product could cause Nausea, headaches, high blood pressure and in rare cases, hallucinations, writes the company in a press release. Accordingly, the only in Bavaria, displaced persons, rye flour has already been eliminated from the sale.

affected By this recall, customers can return the product in the respective outlet back and get the purchase price also without the production of receipts be reimbursed, it says.

source: press release of the art mill rice aisle GmbH

5. July: recall of Edeka, Rewe and Kaufland displaced eggs

Because in the case of a quality control Salmonella was detected, will return to the sun dorfer GmbH several varieties of eggs. From the consumption of exclusively in Bavaria on the trade chain Edeka, Kaufland and Rewe displaced eggs is not advised to penetrate, as it is said in a company press release.

Specifically, the recall, the following article with the minimum durability date 22.07.2019 and with the Printnr are affected. 2-DE-0910891 and 2-DE0910892 :

sun dorfer on the Ground pack of 10 solar villages Körndl eggs 10-PackungDie small Fine, 10-pack solar dorfer XL-eggs 6-pack of sun dorfer Breakfast eggs 6-pack of REWE Regional 6er-pack

According to the Robert Koch Institute, a Salmonella illness within a few days after the infection manifests itself with diarrhea, abdominal pain and occasional vomiting, and mild fever. The discomfort will generally disappear after several days. In particular, infants, young children, the elderly, and people with a weakened immune system may develop more severe disease courses.

source: press release sun klavierfabrik GmbH

1. July: canal Kaasmakerij calls Brie

The Belgian manufacturer canal Kaasmakerij calls back his product Kräuterbrie RE-BIO-02. As the reason possible contamination with Listeria is a specified bacteria. Affected batches with the date of minimum durability 29. July 2019. “Canal Kaasmakerij does not ask its customers to consume this product and it’s to the point of sale where you bought it, return it”, – said in a message posted on the official Portal “lebensmittelwarnung.de”. The purchase price will be refunded. The product was sold by various retailers in Germany.

Listeria can lead to inflammation of the brain. You can learn more here.

source: “Lebensmittelwarnung.de”

28. June: Stokke calls children’s high chair

The Norwegian company Stokke calls back his “Steps”-high chair for babies and children. Reason is according to a press release, a rocker called “Step Bouncer” and a “Newborn kit”-shell not carefully to the high chair to attach. There is a danger that the cultivation of parts of the chair and fall to the ground can pass. This could also happen, although the safety indicators are lit green, it means it.

data are Affected according to the company, all of the high chairs with the name “Stokke Steps chair”, purchased between February 2014 and December 2018. On the Website of the Stokke you can check whether your product is affected.

source: Stokke

22. June: Mercedes needs to call you back 60,000 Diesel

The Federal motor transport authority (KBA) yesterday ordered an official recall of about 60,000 diesel cars of the model Mercedes-Benz GLK 220 CDI. A spokesman for the Daimler group, today confirmed, upon request, a corresponding “picture”report. Therefore, the car manufacturers in this Diesel to sports grounds, the Euro-5 emissions standard cars have used an illegal switch-off device for exhaust gas manipulation. Daimler denies this. They wanted to fight back legally against the fraud allegations, the spokesman said. According to the “image” and wants to expand the KBA, the investigations against Daimler, because the alleged fraud software could be located in many other models. For this purpose, the company spokesman said it was also still the authority on the topic in the conversation.

The suspect against the car model GLK 220 CDI had become a mid-April public. At the time, it was said that the authority had already met in the autumn of 2018 on a suspicious Software function in the engine OM 651. As a result, the exhaust gas should be reduced to values using a computer program – but only on the test bench and not in the daily traffic.

source: REUTERS

21. June: Aldi Nord calls Popsicles back

Fullscreen to be The affected product, “Mucci Mini Mix” in the case of Aldi Nord for a refund of the purchase price may be given.

©Aldi Nord

The manufacturer, of Aldi Nord sold ice-product, “Mucci Mini Mix” in three different types of Chocolate, warns of wooden splinters in the product. It cannot be excluded that due to a Defect in the production plant, in individual cases, splinters were caught in the ice, – stated in the published on Friday warning. Be affected in a number of Aldi-Nord regions, sold boxes with the minimum shelf-life data, 3.4.2021, 4.4.2024 and 5.4.2021. You could be back in the stores without presenting a receipt for a refund of the purchase price.

21. June: Apple gets back to the older Macbook Pros

Apple recalls some older Macbook Pro models (15-inch), which were mainly sold between September 2015 and February 2017. Reason is according to a press release, that the batteries of the Notebooks,” to overheat and thus pose a fire hazard”. You’ll have to replace the batteries of affected devices free of charge, the company said further. Previously, affected customers should make a Backup of the computer.

user should check according to Apple, first of all, which model you have. The function would have to be selected at the upper left edge of the screen “About this Mac” face. It should be a Macbook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, mid-2015), you must then enter the serial number of the device, to determine whether or not the own product for the battery replacement is qualified. Should this be the case, Apple recommends strongly to use the device.

For the exchange can search for customers with either an Apple Service Provider or an appointment at an Apple Store agreed. For the service two to three weeks should be scheduled to work, they say.

source: Apple

19. June: plastic parts in frozen poultry discovered

Because it cannot be excluded that in individual packs of red plastic is a foreign body, calls the Sprehe poultry and frozen feinkost Handels GmbH & co. KG as a precautionary measure, the deep-frozen product “Crunchy Dinos” (400-gram pack) of the brand “Good&Cheap” back.

only goods with the minimum expiration date 01.04.2020 and the health mark DE NW 20167 EC, was Affected in the Edeka customer service publish a press release. Accordingly, the article, especially in Edeka stores as well as at the market was offered to purchase. In addition, the products are only in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, the Saarland, Hessen and Parts of Bavaria in the purchase have been. The product concerned was taken, according to the announcement, already from the sale.

affected By this recall, customers can submit the (empty) packs against refund of the purchase price, even without presentation of the receipts.


A pack of the by the recall affected frozen product

©Edeka customer service

source: Edeka customer service

17. June: Fake blood thinners in circulation

Already the beginning of June, a fake Batch of the blood thinner Xarelto has been made® 20 mg of Bayer AG locate, now the Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM) warns of two further counterfeits of the same product. As the first fake Batch of these in the Polish-Slovak presentation will be sold. You wear the batch of names BXHUBD2 and BXHXL41 and the expiration date of 09/2020. The older fake Batch bears the name of BXHVHC3, all three batches were discovered in the case of a parallel distributor in the UK.

The forgeries differ visually clear from the original drug and are converted easily (see image). The Original, the perforation lines are clearly visible. In the case of the counterfeit batches BXHVHC3 and BXHXL41 the two perforation lines are not visible. In the case of the counterfeit Batch BXHUBD2 the perforation line is weak. In the case of the counterfeit batches are printed on the upper sides of the Blister in addition, the Bayer logo and from all angles is clearly visible, while the light (oblique) are on the original product only in scattered faint but visible.


to the left, the fake on the right, the original drug, Xarelto® 20 mg of Bayer AG

©BfArM 14. May: Aldi Nord toddlers jeans gets back

The Discounter Aldi Nord toddlers jeans brand Pocopiano calls back. It cannot be excluded that the Jeans-Bermuda for boys of the supplier Furlano, since the 6. May have been remove sold small parts that can be swallowed by small children, stressed the company. Aldi advised, therefore, of the further use of the product. The purchase price will be refunded upon return in the stores, the company said. Furlano self-reported, except in individual cases, detachment of the metal cord endn in the Jeans-Bermudas come. If this were to be swallowed by small children, could not be excluded a choking hazard.

14. May: returns to high chemical values in the case of gloves from Roeckl

Due to high levels of a chemical (chromium VI), the traditional Munich-based company Roeckl summer gloves out of his range. The two products, the “Color Power” and “Classic Driver Peccary were affected,” it said in a statement. At the end of may had been found in a production batch, the values were above the legal limit. The recalled gloves were manufactured according to the company, from March 2016 until today.

“The chrome-tanning is a common tanning process, which is used in the leather production for the production of leather clothing, bags and shoes,” said the manufacturer. In rare cases, the salts used could be turned by long term exposure to direct sunlight, heat, or by an air-impermeable Transport to chromium VI. By increasing the concentration of hexavalent chromium very rarely, allergic reactions may occur.

31. May: In the case of Rewe and Real are sold: Salmonella suspected in the case of sun flower seeds

Because of the routine check of a bag of Salmonella were detected, calls back now, Rewe, as a precaution, the sunflower seeds, the company Maryland. According to a press release, only the sunflower seeds in 500 gram and 1000-gram pack are affected the in addition, the batch number L NAGN (500 grams) or L ABOVE (1000 grams) and the date of minimum durability 05.2020 have.

The product concerned was taken out of the sale, it says. Customers who have purchased the product are asked to return it to a store, the purchase price will be refunded. On Monday competitor, had warned the consumption of the same product. Salmonella can cause severe diarrhea and high fever.

source: press release Rewe, Maryland, in the dry Vertriebs GmbH / DPA


both of These varieties of student fruit food Aldi Nord recalls in its branches. In a sample of a dangerous mold toxin was detected

28. May: fungal toxins in organic-cereal – recall in the case of Aldi Nord

In the Discounter Aldi Nord article listed “GutBio students feed, 250 g” was detected in a sample, an increased level of OTA. Supplier “Dry Top NV” ‘ll call you back, therefore, both varieties of the article, said in an official message on the Website of Aldi Nord. It was the variety of students lining (MHD 12.08.2019 to 05.09.2019), as well as the variety of nut-fruit mixture (MHD 12.08.2019 to 08.09.2019).

Aldi Nord is not asking to consume the article and in the stores to bring back. The product concerned was traded to the message that only in Nortorf, Radevormwald, Germany, Salzgitter, Seefeld (Werneuchen) and Werl.

The proven Ochratoxin a is a fungal toxin that can cause severe kidney disease.

source: Aldi Nord

+++ 24. May: Lidl recalls wooden rattle of the “Playtive junior”

the Discounter Lidl recalls a toy for small children in its branches. As the company explained, is a so-called wood rattle brand “Playtive junior” with IAN 304083 and the model number HG04414 in the Version of 11/2018. Therefore, could loosen under unfavorable circumstances, the rivets on the wheels. The drop single parts, in particular for babies and small children dangerous. One could not exclude a risk of injury. Lidl asks that parents check for existing teething toys on their completeness and to remove, if necessary, out of the reach of small children. In addition, the affected article should not be used.

source: product warning.eu

+++ 9. May: health-endangering plasticizers in doll “Beauty” found

The European rapid alert system RAPEX informed of the prohibited plasticizers in the plastic-doll “Beauty”. A plasticizer can cause the message according to infertility, liver damage, or behavior disorders.

source: product warning.eu

+++ 6. May: net smoked loin of shield calls Auer meat – and sausage goods GmbH +++

The company SFW shield Auer meat and sausage products GmbH calling back their smoked sirloin (approx. 150g). Back is affected, the item with the expiration date 09.05.2019 and with the batch number, 191601. The product was offered at Netto Marken-Discount in Parts of Saxony and Brandenburg. “It cannot be ruled out that Salmonella in individual packages (…) can be located,” – said in a statement. A consumption could lead to adverse health effects. The product has now been withdrawn from sale. According to the report, customers who have purchased the corresponding product may give this for a refund of the purchase price, even without presentation of the receipts in your shopping sites.

source: product warning.eu

+++ 2. May: French company “Fromagerie Alpine” recalls soft cheese +++

The French company “Fromagerie Alpine” is calling back two different soft cheese varieties. According to the consumer information of the suspected contamination with E. coli bacteria. Called back the following products:

Name: Saint Marcellin and Saint are FélicienHandelsmarken: Xavier David, Tradition du Bon Fromage, Alpine batches: L032 until L116Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum: from 08.03.19 until sold 31.05.19 identification mark: FR 26.281.001 CE

According to the Federal office for food safety of cheese in the state of Baden-württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony. The cheese should not be consumed, but in the shop be returned. A disease is manifested by gastrointestinal disorders.

source: Lebensmittelwarnung.de

ROA/mod/sve/jek/wlk/js/deb/rw / REUTERS topics in this article, recall, feta cheese, Bayer BfArM Aldi Nord minced meat doll toy-IKEA, Netto Marken-Discount Netto, Norma cradle TEDi ALDI Porsche Automobili Lamborghini Rewe Rheinland-Pfalz Software dm Hesse lower Saxony children Lageso vehicle, the date of minimum durability packaging EDEKA New economy Hofmeister bread is insolvent, This traditional German company went bankrupt as it is today, to display star travel worlds, American Football live Journey to the NFL in the USA, Large differences in earn As much the German per hour brings in Annual discharge is How much money the Soli-eliminating the taxpayer Bautrend This high-rise, made of wood, has 24 floors and 20,000 square feet of space DPA test victory for discounters men’s shirts in the case of goods test: Lidl Hugo Boss and co. holiday theme claim fails May require my boss to me, when I take my vacation? Ginnie Springs, Nestlé wants to daily pumping of millions of litres of water in Florida – environmentalists protest By Eugen Epp US-Congress-investigating Deutsche Bank appears to have trump’s tax returns consumer law New rules for Online Shopping and less money for asylum seekers: The changes in the September salary biographies So different much we earn in the entire career of 40 new Levels of Mahjong – free to play life Of Daniel Bakir! Obituary, VW Patriarch Ferdinand Piëch play Not a man of many words By Jan Boris wintzen castle work in the course of time Between limbo and creative work – such as the office of Legendary VW was created By Katharina Grimm-Patriarch Ferdinand Piëch – farewell to a century-Manager DPA To the Restaurant-visit to the Ex-Volkswagen Patriarch Ferdinand Piëch is dead F. Behrendt: The Guru, the Serenity, The pleasure of the long-expected pace of life, the Ifo Institute the German economy in the best case, Stagnation of the industry in decline video counter die in Germany: “Then the evil Internet came” DPA Catholic Church, priests stealing, allegedly, 100,000 dollars, and they are for men acquaintances from Drastic proposals Berlin apartment to rent to just under eight euros DPA limit Of because billion-Deal for 100,000 instead of a billion dollars: The crazy history of the “most valuable land in the world” By Malte Mansholt


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