The general council of Citizens fixed this Monday’s election program for the November 10, a measure proposed by the economics spokesperson, Mark of the Fifth, to act on the informal economy, which opened the door to tax that money risen by a rate of 10%, according to the text of the initiative ahead of Efe. The highest executive organ of the party stopped that proposal, part of a package of measures to combat tax fraud, and included in the program, a rejection express amnesties tax and a commitment to ban them by law.
Citizens bears in his program to prohibit grants to entities that do “advocacy of separatism” Citizens account with Vox to govern together with the PP if the right sum Valls studies to be submitted to the catalans as the first stage of a national project
The proposed Frameworks of Fifth —former vice president of Coca – Cola and new responsible economic together with Luis Garicano after the departure of Toni Roldán— allow the surface to more than 4,000 million euros, according to the calculation of the economic team of Citizens, which consisted in a document quoted by Efe that he was going to be added to the electoral program. The text is not speaking of a tax amnesty, but that sort of the 10% I remember the amnesty promoted by the PP in 2012, by the fraudsters, individuals or companies could regularise their status by paying precisely only 10% of the heritage surfaced.
“I have Never proposed nor I nor anyone Citizens a tax amnesty, I will leave to other parties. We propose to take seriously the surface part of the underground economy, and that each case apechugue with your tax rate, there would be no more”, has affirmed this Monday In Fifth through his Twitter account. Sources of the economic department of Cs asserted to THE COUNTRY that the problem was in that the measure was “poorly drafted or misunderstood” but that in any case contemplated a fixed rate, but which correspond to each tax.
Against the confusion interested that has been created on the amnesty tax, @CiudadanosCs have been rejected, denied, and prohibited by law, the amnesties, tax, contrary to the PP and the PSOE, that criticize in opposition, and apply them in the government. I copy the program: pic.twitter.com/BPyTy1tVrr
— Luis Garicano (@lugaricano) October 28, 2019
Luis Garicano, also in charge of the economic program of the Citizens and the leader of the party in Europe, has denied next to Fifth that the party were to propose a tax amnesty. On Twitter, Garicano has published how is the writing of the program after the decision of the general council. In the new text it is stated expressly to the refusal of Citizens to any measure of grace tax. The leader, Albert Rivera, rejected on Sunday in The Sixth that Citizens were to propose a tax amnesty.