YELLOW VESTS – The manifestation of yellow vests to Paris took place generally calm, despite a few bumps in the end of the day. This Act 6 is marked by the arrest of one of the leaders of the movement, Eric Drouet.

Summary yellow Vests and Minimum wage Claims of yellow vests yellow Vests and Macron Speech Macron Manifestation of the yellow vests essentially A walking surprise in Paris took place in several districts of Paris (Opera, Saint-Lazare, Hôtel de ville, Châtelet…). According to the Prefecture of police of Paris, there were 2 000 yellow vests on the Capital, according to the latest balance sheet. 109 people were arrested, of which 7 were remanded in custody. One of the leaders of the yellow vests, Eric Drouet, was arrested in the rue Vignon, at around 14h15. He was placed in custody for “illegal organisation of an event on the public highway, port-of weapon prohibited, and participation in a group formed with a view of violence or damage,” according to a justice source cited by franceinfo. Friday 7 December, the prosecutor of Paris, had already opened an investigation for “incitement to the commission of a crime or an offense” and “the organization of an event illegal” against them. In Province, many blockages occur at the border, including at the level of the toll road of le Boulou, where the highway ramp is blocked by protesters. Has Voreppe, Albertville, Rennes, Pau and many other cities, many actions have hindered the movement. Live Receive our alerts live ! 17:27 – END OF the DIRECT – The yellow vests would have resulted in a 25% decrease in turnover in trade

The trade sector recorded an average decline of 25% year on year due to the events of the yellow vests, said Saturday the secretary of State for economic, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, saying that “thousands of jobs are at stake”. “It is rather an average of less than 25%, but with very large differences,” she said on BFM-TV during a debate on the impact of the movement of the yellow vests on the trade. “The businesses that have perishable products are the most affected because they will never be able to catch up on their goods,” she observed. Asked about the sales declines of less than 40% to less than 70%, it was estimated that it was about “businesses who have been most affected, those who have been forced to close the curtain on certain Saturdays of the last few weeks”.

17:15 – What is the situation at Versailles, the 22 of December ?

The situation is calm at Versailles, where several thousand people were declared to be “interested” in an event organized by, among others, Eric Drouet, one of the leaders of the yellow vests, just in front of the castle. Only sixty of the demonstrators are in fact found, this 22 December, for an Act 6.

17:10 – 2 900 wounded, 10 dead : the impressive numbers of yellow vests

While Act 6 is in full swing, this Saturday 22 December, the ministry of the Interior has communicated the several figures of the mobilization of the yellow vests. Thus, since the beginning of the movement, ten people lost their lives. 2 941 wounded would also have to deplore, among which 1 098 forces members of the order, as reported by including LCI.

17:00 – That is it repproché Eric Drouet ?

According to franceinfo, who quotes a source judicial, Eric Drouet, one of the leader of the yellow vests is accused of “illegal organisation of an event on the public highway, carrying a weapon of a prohibited class D and participation in a group formed with a view of violence or degradation”. In fact, he had called for a huge demonstration at Versailles, before retracting and to call on the morning of December 22, a gathering at Montmartre, for this one-day event in Paris.

16:47 – a Few clashes on the Champs-Elysées

While a group of many yellow vests invested the place de l’etoile and the avenue des Champs-Elysées, several clashes have broken between the forces of order and protesters.

16:16 – 2 000 demonstrators in the streets of Paris

According to the latest report of the Prefecture of police, 2 000 yellow vests, who demonstrate in the streets of Paris on 22 December.

16:03 – A few hundred of yellow vests on the Champs-Elysées

According to the images of the channels of continuous information, a few hundred yellow vests now invest the avenue des Champs-Elysées. Several protesters block the roundabout of the place de l’etoile, according to colleagues present on the spot.

15:56 – 79 arrests in Paris, 5 five guards to views

According to the latest toll given by the Prefecture of police of Paris, 79 people have been detained in police custody on 22 December, at 15: 30. Five of them were placed in custody.

15:51 – Who is Eric Drouet, one of the leaders of the yellow vests stopped now ?

This truck driver of 33 years, to the origin of the mobilization of the 17th November last, had already called for the 8th of December last to make it to the Elysée. It very quickly became a regular of tv, and is the origin of a group on Facebook of yellow vests with 50 000 people. Living in Melun, Eric Drouet is a truck driver, a father of a little girl and a fan of tuning. A member of automobile association, the Muster Crew, he reported regularly with a colleague his dissatisfaction with the rising fuel prices. In his videos published on Facebook, it adheres some time to the theories complotistes. “The candidates do not have the same financial means as the bank buys the media for faire up their candidates. They mediate slightly the other to make people believe that they all have the same chance,” he declared in one of his videos, found by The Cross.

15:20 – The yellow vests dotting the Capital

According to several colleagues present on the spot, the yellow vests are now scattered in different areas of Paris, this 22nd of December, in this Act 6. Protesters are still on the parvis of the Sacré-Coeur, Montmartre. Others would be on the side of the gare Saint-Lazare and Opera. A few scuffles broke out, even if the event is held globally in the quiet.

15:06 – Eric Drouet placed in custody

one of The leaders of the movement of the yellow vests, Eric Drouet, was placed in police custody, with four other persons, since the beginning of the manifestation of the yellow vests, 22 December, in Paris.

15:00 – 65 arrests in Paris

According to BFM TV, citing the Prefecture of Paris, 65 protesters were reportedly arrested in the margins of the manifestation of the yellow vests, in Paris, Saturday, 22 December. The protesters, who do not seem to follow specific route in the streets of the capital, are divided into several groups and their walk was uneventful for the moment, always according to the Prefecture.

14:25 – What is the situation on the Champs-Elysees in this Act 6 of the yellow vests ?

Completely abandoned in favour of the streets of the neighborhoods of the 18th and 9th arrondissement, the avenue des Champs-Elysées has his first Saturday in the quiet for more than a month. Tranquility reigns also on the avenue des Champs-Elysées, where are concentrated many clashes in recent weeks – with shops open and traffic normal.

14:20 – More than a hundred of yellow vests gathered in front of the villa Macron

According to The voice of the North, a hundred yellow vests have conducted an action in front of the villa of Emmanuel Macron, at le Touquet, this Saturday 22 December. They were greeted by an important safety feature of CRS, but also from the Brigade Anti-Criminality (BAC) armed with flashballs and tear gas.

READ MORE learn more An increase of the Minimum wage as a response to the yellow vests

What seemed to be a great concession is to be taken with a grain of salt. The increase of 100 euros per month for employees earning the Smic announced Monday by Emmanuel Macron as early as 2019 will only be a partial pay and will be based mainly on an acceleration of the increase of the premium of activity. “The wages of a worker at the Minimum wage will increase to 100 euros per month, starting in 2019, without that it costs a euro more for the employer,” said, without more details, the head of State during his speech. A statement which seemed at first to contradict the statements of his minister of Labour, Muriel Pénicaud, who had left the day before, a “boost” to the Minimum wage beyond the 1.8% increase expected in January, explaining that it “would destroy jobs”. In reality, the increase announced by Emmanuel Macron corresponds to the rise in the legal and a strong improvement in the premium of activity. See the details of this increase for employees earning the Smic.

What are the claims of the yellow vests ?

Emmanuel Macron has he responded to the most important claims of the yellow vests ? The protesters have not structured their movement, which makes difficult the expression of claims made on behalf of all its members. Nevertheless, all express the need to obtain a tax reduction on fuels and, more generally, a decrease in the level of taxes or a reform for a fairer tax burden. The president has made announcements that are strong, but not, it seems, not satisfied with the yellow vests are most mobilized. A delegation, contested, formed at the end of the month of November and a list of claims was provided to mps and to the media. There are queries that have not been met : “zero SDF”, “a income tax more progressive,” “a Smic to 1300 euros net”, “a great plan isolation”, “the end of fuel taxes”, “no retreat below 1200 euros”… See the details of the claims of the yellow vests.

yellow Vests : the images and the shock of anger to See the photos Address of Emmanuel Macron (video)

Emmanuel Macron has expressed Monday 10 December, at 20 hours, from the Elysée. The president of the Republic, during 13 minutes, and in front of 23 million television viewers, announced several measures to quell the wrath of the yellow vests : increase of 100 euros per month for employees earning the Smic (see the detail on the predicted increase of the Minimum wage), tax exemption of overtime, year-end bonuses or the cancellation of the increase of the CSG for retirees earning less than 2,000 euros per month. Emmanuel Macron also announced more comprehensive reforms he wanted to implement, such as democratic representation, with “an electoral law more just” and “the taking into account of the white vote”, the taxation, probably with a new upcoming reform, decentralization of public services in the territories, and finally the fight against the global warming in everyday life.

Emmanuel Macron has also sketched out a mea culpa, calling for collective responsibility. “40 years of discomfort that would come up,” said the head of State, adding : “Without a doubt, do we not have known this, since a year and a half, to make a response fast and strong. I take my share of responsibility”. Emmanuel Macron has also confessed to a fault of style : “I know it happened to me to hurt some of you by my comments”. Here is the video of the speech of Emmanuel Macron on Monday 10 December 2018 :

yellow Vests : Macron forced to resign ?

the challenge of The yellow vests took since mid-November, an unexpected twist, to which is grafted the violence of the rioters in Paris and in several major cities of France several weekends in a row. The nature of the motion – uniform, non-hierarchical, and without leadership said has made it difficult previously to the opening of negotiations. Several opposition politicians speak bluntly of institutional crisis and call for a political decision outstanding more than the one taken by the president : Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon wish a dissolution of the national Assembly, Laurent Wauquiez demand a referendum. For weeks, we hear especially in the ranks of the yellow vests of the calls for the resignation of Emmanuel Macron, a petition was put online, collecting hundreds of thousands of signatures. “Macron resignation” is chanted at every event of the yellow vests. But a resignation of Emmanuel Macron seems very unlikely. Emmanuel Macron is the guarantor of the institutions, the framework set by the Fifth Republic, its legitimacy is indisputable, the result of direct universal suffrage. If the crisis worsens, it will have various institutional options : the dissolution of the national Assembly or the constitution of a new government.

Manifestation of the yellow vests : a movement that lasts

The government has to deal with a movement protean that lasts and anger is not turned away partially. Since 17 November, deadlocks take place every day in France, and every Saturday turns into a major day of mobilization. If there is indeed a “collective” of moderate (“yellow vests free”), there is no leadership, no instance has been legitimated by the whole of the yellow vests, which makes the government the negotiations are still complex, despite announcements of Emmanuel Macron. The event could last even if it refers to the last messages from one part of the yellow vests put online on the networks and that are part of an intense motivation.

Article the most-read – Eric Drouet : why has he been arrested ? “See the news


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