
Are you trying to figure out whether to classify your workers as employees or independent contractors? The complexities behind employee classifications often keep employers stuck. This article will help you navigate the process and make a well-informed decision.

You’ll learn how to correctly classify your staff, helping you stay compliant while avoiding costly penalties.

Understanding the Difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor

The legal distinction between employees and independent contractors can have serious implications for employers, as well as workers. In order to correctly classify each individual, it’s important to understand the key terms associated with employee and independent contractor status.


An Employee

An individual employed by a business who provides services for a wage or salary set by the employer. Employers are responsible for withholding taxes from their employee’s wages, providing benefits such as health insurance and other paid leave entitlements that may be mandatory under state law, reporting wages to relevant federal and state tax authorities, and providing workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Additionally, staff members typically possess an established employment contract outlining the terms of their job description and explicit expectations set by their employer.

An Independent Contractor

An individual who is not employed directly by a business but hired to provide services or individual work assignments. Unlike employees, independent contractors are responsible for filing their own taxes and do not receive benefits such as insurance or paid time off that may become available to an employer’s full-time staff members. Typical contracts outline project expected deliverables with associated timelines instead of describing concrete duties on a daily basis like they would in the case of an employee agreement.


The Legal Implications of Misclassification

When an employer classifies a worker as an independent contractor instead of an employee, the employer may be at risk of legal consequences. In many jurisdictions, employers that misclassify staff members as independent contractors could face civil or criminal liability for failure to comply with applicable employment standards so hiring an employment lawyer London is advised. Employers who misclassify staff members can be found to have violated labor, tax, and other regulations.

The potential ramifications of misclassification are wide-ranging and severe; therefore, employers need to understand the rules governing proper classification in order to minimize their risk. Employers should have written policies detailing their definitions and use of independent contractor agreements differing from those used for employees when hiring new workers to ensure compliance with the law.

Employers must also consider various local laws when determining whether a worker should be classified as a worker or independent contractor, as state and municipal governments do not always follow federal guidelines on classification. Judicial review—and sometimes legislative intervention—may be required for employers to get clarity on this important distinction between employee and independent contractor status.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) also requires that a 1099 form be sent in cases where payments are made to contractors since these providers are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits or withholdings through payroll taxes like regular employees.


Common Misclassification Mistakes

Common mistakes made when misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor include determining the type of relationship based on control alone; treating an individual with a set pay rate as a salaried, rather than an hourly employee; not obtaining proper documentation; or paying workers as contractors when they are state-defined employees.

Frequently this misclassification occurs because employers do not understand the difference between a genuinely independent contractor and an employer-employee relationship, or because they believe that classifying the worker as an independent contractor will enable them to save money.

Additionally, some employers are unaware that certain laws apply exclusively to employees and impose additional liabilities if misclassified employees are found to be treated in ways that violate their rights under those laws. It is critical that employers understand these distinctions and obtain appropriate guidance from qualified advisors prior to designing or entering into agreements with workers so that all applicable requirements can be met and potential legal risks are avoided.


How to Determine the Appropriate Classification

When assessing the appropriate classification for a given position, employers should consider factors such as:

  • The amount of control/supervision exercised over the individual;
  • The degree of authority granted to him/her;
  • The extent to which he/she is integrated into the organization’s business operations;
  • Whether he/she receives benefits typically offered to employees (e.g., health insurance, vacation pay);
  • How payments are made (hourly rate vs project payments);
  • Whether the economic risk is assumed by him/her; and
  • Whether independent equipment or tools are used.

It’s important for employers to understand that there is not one single factor that will determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor — each situation must be considered in its entirety before determining which classification applies. There can also be nuances when it comes to state and local laws, so it’s always advised for employers who have any questions about classifying workers properly to consult with qualified legal counsel.


Best Practices to Avoid Misclassification

Best practices include the following:

  • Develop a clear and easily understood job description for all contracted positions prior to job initiation.
  • Define and document the scope of work for each position using objective standards such as timeframes for completion, specific duties, and any guidelines governing independent projects or services provided.
  • Establish a review process that monitors all contracted positions prior to job initiation and throughout the duration of employment by recording actual hours worked, wages paid, and evidence that supports conclusions about primary control elements in order to classify correctly.
  • Ensure compliance with applicable laws related to employee classification; failure to comply can have significant financial repercussions.
  • Consult with trusted legal counsel when determining if a worker should be classified as an employee or independent contractor; seeking counsel’s opinion before initiating a contract reduces organizations’ risk of misclassification liability.


With the complexities of employee classification, it is important to understand and follow the laws in order to ensure that your business is compliant. The best way to navigate these complex laws is to seek expert advice from a qualified legal advisor or labor attorney who can provide guidance on how best to classify employees for your specific situation. By following the guidelines set out by state and federal regulations, you will be able protect yourself from potential risks associated with misclassifying workers and ensure that all employees are properly compensated.