The proposed law for an EU-wide ban on single-use plastic is negotiated. Negotiators of the Council of the member States, the EU Commission and the European Parliament negotiations, agreed in Trilogue on the appropriate details with which the mass of plastic waste in the environment and in the world contained seas. The Changes are expected to come into force in two years. Plastic plates, drinking straws and other disposable products made of plastic should be banned.

Of a “milestone in our Effort to reduce plastic waste”, says the Austrian Minister Elisabeth Köstinger. Your government currently holds the six-monthly rotating presidency, the EU member States and was involved in the past few months, with the negotiations on the plastic ban.

plastic in the sea – Only we are poisoning the ocean, then us, millions of tons of plastic land every year in the sea and harm animals and nature. As micro-particles, we breathe in him, too. An explainer video © photo:

last may, the EU Commission made a first proposal. She expects this to result in large environmental benefits: emissions of carbon dioxide could be reduced by 3.4 million tons, the resulting environmental damage to the value of 22 billion Euro to be avoided by the year 2030. The Commission justified the move primarily with the protection of the oceans. More than 80 percent of the garbage in the oceans is therefore plastic. In Europe, 26 million tons of plastic waste per year.

Forbidden all those items for which there are better Alternatives to ab 2024 now. This stems also air balloon rods, once dishes or swab include, in addition to Drinking. In addition, to apply for a series of one-off products with a certain content of Plastic – such as wet wipes – a labelling requirement. Lid of disposable bottles made of plastic may be brought five years after the entry into force of the scheme only in circulation, if you are connected to the bottle.

marine pollution of plastic waste in the sea

80 percent of the plastic waste that ends up in the oceans come from Land. There are 260 million tons are produced each year. The Federal environment Agency lists, how much the estimated and the sea. For the EU, the environmental consultant Alexander Potrykus has been investigated in a study, what kind of waste the waste statistics of the European seas leads: plastic bags and bottles.

But not always, the Figures for waste deposits in the sea clearly: In your Blog, the science journalist Anja Krieger published Figures on the amounts of Waste in the ocean, which vary depending on the source.

Even if the Dimension of the problem is difficult to grasp, are scientists about the consequences of the legal agreement. Several studies, such as UNEP, or on behalf of the environmental organization Greenpeace created, are evidence of the environmental hazard posed by plastic waste.


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