From the 4. June, on Board of Eurowings-machines don’t eat anything more for free, not even for passengers who have booked the extra charge Smart Fare. It was usually a sandwich and a bottle of water.
The deletion of the previously included Snacks sold a Eurowings spokesman to as a “type of improvement”. Because of this, the customers would benefit from other advantages.
So passengers who have booked the Smart Fare are to be allowed, in the future, the Priority-Boarding participate, which was previously only allowed the few customers in the “BIZ Class”, and guests with certain status cards. Frequent flyers should be happy with little, because a higher crowd at the Boarding Gate, could be the result of the revised eurowings concept.
Eurowings follows, allegedly, the market trend,
most of The cheap airlines do not offer free Snacks. Who wants to eat something, you can buy assorted Snacks for sale. A small bag of Chips costs at Eurowings currently 2,50 Euro. A Bottle Of Water 3 Euro.
Who pays on a European flight with Euro wings to a charge of approximately 27 euros each way compared to the Basic plan, you can give up the Smart Fare is also a piece of Luggage up to 23 kilograms. In addition, he can reserve his preferred seat at time of booking without a fee.
That was the free offer for Smart-passengers on a eurowings flight at the beginning of 2019
©Till Bartels
On Board of these people got the circle of attendants from the flight, a Snack and a drink served. This is from the 4. June End. Anyway, this culinary offering was been reduced from Euro wings over the years significantly.
In the administered pouch for Smart guests, there was a Sandwich, a bottle of water and something Sweet. In addition, the passengers could choose another soft drink. At the beginning of the year, there was only a pre-packaged sandwich and a soft drink such as a Cup of coffee.
Also in the case of another airline, which belongs to the Lufthansa, have been abolished, free Drinks and Snacks: “food is not included in the Economy Light Fare on flights from/to Geneva”, it says on the Homepage of Swiss International Air Lines.
airline food in Economy Class: What Airlines on the folding table serving Fullscreen
Emirates Economy Class on the Hamburg – Dubai (Kids menu)
©Till Bartels
see also:
A Koala flying with Eurowings in the cabin Lufthansa-Manager: “The delays and waiting times were sometimes unbearable,””More of a woman Boxing champion in the heavyweight division as a captain in the Lufthansa”