Several doctors and nurses gathered in a query of Valladolid make it clear: “I Never recommend convenience products, palm oil, additives and so much salt. Are unhealthy”. Less even, expired food. Therefore, do not understand that the toilets that make guards in Castile and León and Castile-La Mancha are offered these foods. In the care centres continued to accumulate menus that will end up in the trash.

The vice-president of the association of Statutory Staff of Continuing Care (PEAC) in Castilla-La Mancha, dr. Arantxa López is undignified because they sent a lasagna that took two days expired. Alberto Ortiz, a nurse at Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete, spain), received an arroz a la cubana “that smelled that threw it back,” banana brown included. The medical Marisa Fernandez ran into a caterpillar dead in a pepper.

Picture of a food apparently expired in the health care system of Castile and Leon. THE COUNTRY

A nurse who requested anonymity believes “incomestibles” rations in the center of Nava de la Asunción (Segovia), which was cream of vegetables apparently expired. Vincent Mazarro, a nurse at Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real), ruling that the conditions of the guild are “appalling”.Several primary healthcare workers in Zaratán, Delight, and Pilarica (Valladolid) stress that “take one day” that “junk food” is not harmful, “but there is one who makes eight or ten guards a month, and then, yes, you can suffer health”, and lament the waste of plastic and food. Like-minded peers in castilla-la mancha contacted.

The health system of each community is the one that determines how to cover this support. The company that supplied the food to the guards of the two regions is their eurest Caterers, which has previously received awards from the Ministry of Defence. Spokespersons of the group deny to have distributed expired food and what is commonly attributed to errors in the labeling. They also claim to have removed the ingredients controversial. “None of the deficiencies attributed to it was dangerous to health,” he added, although the European Commission recommends to dispense with substances like sulfur dioxide, present in creams of zucchini sent to the landfill.


“we were Never so rushed,” A “chief stupid can be worse for the heart than cholesterol,”

their eurest won last July a contest offered by the regional government of Castile and León amounted to 21.2 million euros in five years. Your work would be to serve food “with the highest quality bid,” according to the statement of a portfolio then in the hands of director Antonio Sáez. The alternative dishes are prepared of the Carretilla brand, the components of “artificial” is not like the personal who receives it.

Mercedes Gago, secretary-regional trade union of nursing Satse Castilla y León, estimates that the company dispensed a few 26.640 monthly menus, priced between six and ten euros each. Gago notes that in many centres there are neither fridges: “The workers who leave food in the fridges where they store vaccines and medication. It is the largest gorrinada and a great risk. We have not waited six years for this.”

The trade union refers to the fact that in 2012 the health castellanoleoneses were removed from diets by the crisis, until that is recovered in 2018 via court order following the recovery of GDP and applied this controversial system of catering. Miguel Holguin, responsible for Health of UGT Castilla y León, values the previous model of support because they were handing out vouchers to eat at nearby establishments. As well, he explains, is promoting a “tissue of proximity” beneficial to the local economy and ensured a power of more quality. The vast majority of healthcare respondents claimed this system.

The PEAC regrets that the criticisms sent to the president of Castilla-La Mancha, the socialist Emiliano García Page, and Jesus Fernandez, councillor for Health, have not received a response. In this community, their eurest has signed contracts since 2011 for the maintenance of the guard personnel. Spokespersons in the health service estimated at 1.8 million annually, to about six euros per menu, and assert that the complaints are sent to the company, “requesting the best conditions”. In the final statement of award, at their eurest Caterers have joined the Mediterranean and Salons Boyma.

Veronica Married, the councillor of Health castellanoleonesa, has insisted that it shall require that compliance with the agreed terms and conditions. Married, award-winning a year ago as the best medical in the world, was photographed eating these products once you have unleashed the controversy. Holguin says that the image he evokes “Fraga swimming in Palomares”.

In the health services of Castilla y León, in this case, to good hunger, there is bread, as the of a video at a health centre in Cuellar (Segovia). The –small– loaf is dropped on a table, it bounces and rings like a stone. In the facilities of Santa Elena de Zamora, the bread arrived with mold. According to the statement of the adjudication, the bread should be of the day.


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