three months Ago, the professional football player Emiliano Sala came in a Flugzeugunstürz killed (the star reported). Now his father has died, Horacio Sala. As the mayor of his home town confirmed, suffered the 58-Year-old a heart attack. Previously, British and Argentine media had reported about the death of the Argentine.

“He never got over what happened with Emiliano Sala”

“He never got over what happened with Emiliano”, – quotes the mayor Julio Müller. According to reports, died the driver of the Truck in your sleep, paramedics would have been able to find on the Morning of his death. He and wife Mercedes, and daughter, Romina.

His son, Emiliano Sala, 21. January want to fly from France to his new club Cardiff City according to Wales. Over the English channel to the propeller machine previously for the FC Nantes, active footballer and his pilots suddenly disappeared from the radar screens. After almost two weeks of searching the ocean floor located machine finally, the body of the 28 was discovered-Year-old.



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