Fedor Krylovich: partisans who had organized the massive Subversion of the great Patriotic

History 05/03/20 Fedor Krylovich: partisans who had organized the massive Subversion of the great Patriotic

the Belarusian railroad Theodore Krylovich on the front does not have. He remained in their native lands, where in the summer of 1943 he made one of the biggest diversions in the entire history of the great Patriotic war. The Krylovich destroyed trains with food, gasoline, ammunition and enemy of the famous German “Tiger”tanks.


Fyodor Andreyevich Krylovich was born in the family of a railroad conductor in 1916. Krylovii lived in the town of Osipovichi (Mogilev oblast, Belarus). Before the army Fedor also worked on the railroad as a lineman electrician. His years of service coincided with known events on Khalkhin-Soviet-Finnish war, so the Krylovich was their party. When the young man was demobilized, he returned to his native land. But the peaceful life was short-lived. Just learning about the German attack, the Krylovich went to the recruiting office. However, he, like the railroad, to go to the front banned. Despite this, Fedor did not want to sit idly by and decided together with other members of the underground to fight the enemy.

the Germans were in Osipovichi at the end of June 1941. The Krylovich continued to work as an electrician and at the same time to carry out small acts of sabotage. After some time, Fyodor and his comrades were able to establish contact with the guerrilla group “the Braves”, which was commanded by Alexander Rabtsevich, and to provide colleagues the feasible help. It lasted 2 years.

Broken semaphore

in the Summer of 1943 at the station of Osipovichi arrived German train with combustible materials: gasoline and motor oil. To prevent its further progress was impossible. Late in the evening of July 29, Krylovich made his way to my place of work and brought down one of the semaphores. In the morning the invaders noticed the problem and called an electrician to fix it. And Fedor just that and waited. He brought with sobOh tool kit, which was already 2 magnetic mines. Despite the fact that the fitter Krylovich was moving accompanied by a guard from among the German soldiers, the electrician was able to capture the moment and to lay mines in the head and tail of the train.

Krylovich was already home when he heard the first explosions. The fire spread to other trains, which, in addition to food, were the shells and bombs of the enemy, armored vehicles and tanks “Tiger”. It was all destroyed. Only burned down 4 enemy tier 5 locomotives, 5 tanks, 10 armored cars, 28 tanks of fuel, 67 wagons of ammunition and 12 with food. The flames raged for hours.

After the war

it is Clear that the Krylovich was exposed, and because the electrician immediately disappeared from the city. He joined the partisans under the command of the future of the Soviet Union hero Victor Liventsev. There he continued his subversive activities. The Krylovich not once was wounded and received several severe contusions. In 1944, in the aftermath of the wounds he could no longer fight and it is called “off shore.”

After the war ended, the Krylovich again began to work as an electrician in Osipovichi. Despite all his achievements and courage a few years he didn’t have no awards except the medal “partisan of the great Patriotic war”. Only in 1949 he was awarded the order of Lenin.

Health Theodore Krylovich was undermined, so to live a long life he was not destined. He died at the age of 43. Only many years later about the heroism of the Belarusian electrician finally began to remember, called out his name in Osipovichi and installed plaque.

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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