to run A bit more frequently in the evening, and a couple of Weights: at the beginning of the year, many people take to lose weight. Some dreams even of a six-pack up for the season. However, until you see the abdominal muscles, it takes years – or is it? It can be enough Training and a will of iron, provided much faster, demonstrated to the British Comedian and TV presenter Paddy McGuinness is now on his Instagram channel.

the Moderator of The dome show “Take Me Out” showed his 942.000 followers, as his body within only four months of changing. The forty-something in the middle of last year still had a few kilos graced to much on the hips, his belly, within a few months a six-pack. Before the Training, he brought 92,7 kg on the scale, the body fat percentage was 26 percent. In the end, he brought it to 76.7 kilograms, percentage of body fat melted down to 12 percent. The abdominal circumference decreased by ten centimeters. A more impressive performance.

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Totally forgot to post this last year! This is a before and after pic from the 4 months of good diet and training I did. I really enjoyed it and definitely could have got leaner, but I began to feel a bit to thin. I started at 92.7 kg and finished at 78.7 kg. I got down from around 26% body fat to 12% and went from a 36” waist to a 32”! I’m now somewhere in between these two pics shape wise, probably more to the first one after Chrimmy! I still enjoy training, but I don’t fancy stripping that much fat again. I now weigh 88.2 kg with a 33” waist, I feel strong and good at that. #before andafter #4months #fitfriday #havingatanhelps #strong #fitat45 #noexcuses #doitforyourself #health

A post shared by Paddy McGuinness (@mcguinness.paddy) on Jan 4, 2019 at 3:37am PST

exercise and diet

How he did it? With hard Training and a strict diet. Three hours per week he was lifting Weights, seven days a week, he stayed on his diet. On the dining plan four meals were of the day, only Clean Eating. Thus it is waived on additional materials and manufacturing, the denaturing of the food or damage the environment. The main principles of the concept are simple: no ready meals, no Fast Food, no highly processed foods, way with dyes and flavor enhancers to get away with industrially processed food (more to Clean Eating, you can find here)

+++ read also: My perfect diet: Clean Eating +++

does not work, However, you only need a lot of iron will to shed the pounds. But also to keep the shape. After the Christmas holidays and related feasts McGuiness is certainly “somewhere between these two pictures,” he writes on Instagram. “Probably closer to the first image.” He had still a lot of fun during Training, but not more, to lose as much fat. Now the balance is showing again 88 kilograms.

assessment of attractiveness of study shows: women want to lose weight in men, especially the one By Christoph Fröhlich

read more:

North: the food Is the only true way?

Five tips for how losing weight is not going to work if sports helps

Ten tips to save calories – to despair without stopping



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