Hardly a German scientist has been so often honored as he is: Manfred Eigen. Now, the multi-award-winning researchers in göttingen has died at the age of 91 years. Over 50 years ago, he has the Nobel prize in chemistry for his work to get ultra-fast chemical reactions. For this, he has developed, together with a group of researchers, the so-called relaxation method. With this, it is possible to be able to temperature, pressure, and electric field changes in the case of a fast chemical reaction time to understand.

in addition to the highest scientific honors, he received the Otto-Hahn prize for chemistry and physics, as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Institute of Human Virology in Baltimore. “Manfred Specially interests its salient features were far beyond his own field of expertise and science, paired with an irrepressible spirit of research,” said Stefan Hell, Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for biophysical chemistry in Göttingen.

Self was born in 1927 in Bochum, Germany. He studied physics and chemistry and Göttingen, and there was also his further scientific career. Besides chemistry, he also dealt with some questions of Evolution. In addition, he is co-founder of the evolutive biotechnology. With him and other researchers developed experiments with the basic mechanisms of Evolution. Including Tricks, with which the pathogens trick the immune system.

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