In the Winter, you are part of the normal street scene: stray vehicles. Need to get used to drivers in the future, even in the summer, remember? In the Netherlands, this could be the case. Some municipalities in our neighbouring country spread against the heat.

Dutch municipalities use salt water against road damage to a

On some streets vehicles are currently scattered on the road, the salt water on the Asphalt to distribute, reported mirror Online. A spokeswoman for the municipality of Utrechtse Heuvelrug in the East of the Netherlands stated that, as a result, the road surface will be cooled.

This should work as follows: The salt deprive the air of moisture and in this way, the Asphalt was cooled. The aim is to prevent damage to roads. High temperatures, as is the case currently in many Parts of Europe, lead to heat damage – in the case of asphalt roads, this lead in part to the breaking up of the roadway.

On Twitter reported the Dutch municipality of Noordenveld, that you can scatter now even in the summer, and attached a couple of images of the tank car. “With the sprinkling of the Asphalt is cooled, so that the Asphalt from sticking,” it says, among other things, in the Tweet of the municipality.

see also: caravan, These speed limits apply in Europe.

In Germany, on the speed limits

heat damage, especially when streets are dangerous, the concrete roadway plates. This can flake off or dome. It is also possible that the plates slide on top of each other or kinking. The damage can occur suddenly and for accidents. For this reason, some provinces impose sections regularly speed limits on some highway.

highways and major country roads are not affected in the Netherlands by the scattering action. This would have a special structure that can absorb moisture faster. Heat damage were less likely.

Also of interest: heat jam With these tips to cool your car quickly.



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