Heroes 15/03/20 Hitler fought in the red Army in the Great Patriotic
In the history of the USSR there are amazing facts, about which know not all. The name Hitler is associated exclusively with cruelty, violence, death, however, she wore one of the heroes of the great Patriotic war.
the Namesakes
this incident is not unique. On the battlefield on the Soviet side fought more than a hundred men, which bore the same name as that of high-ranking officials of the Third Reich. In the database of the portal “feat of the people”, you can find Barmanou, Geringas, Gesso, Ready, Manstein, Laterally.
the Soviet Hitler
ironically, Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler was a Jew – the most representative of the nationalities that sought to destroy the leader of the Nazis.
Simon was born in the Ukrainian village Orynyn, located in the Khmelnytskyi oblast, in 1922. At 18 he joined the army. Simon graduated from machine gun school at the Odessa military district on the eve of the German attack on the Soviet Union did in the Tiraspol fortified.
the Feat of heavy
Fortified, which served semen was based on the extreme left flank of the Western border of the Soviet troops. The only natural barriers that helped keep the defense, was a swampy river Turunchuk and the Dniester.
In June 1941, the Tiraspol fortified region had 284 defensive buildings: 22 262 artillery and machine-gun. Simon was the gunner of machine gun and fought at a point on the height 176,5 meters.
Eight days later, he led a fierce battle with the enemy. Once in the environment, the badly wounded Simon continued to fight, until he ran out of ammunition, but even then gave up and dropped his gun. Semyon managed to retreat to the red Army, where he continued the fight. Later Simon have participated in the defense of Odessa and the battle for Sevastopol, where he died 3 may 1942.
Medal is of the order of
September 9, 1941 Lieutenant-General Georgy Sofronov, head of the Maritime army, signed the document awarding the Seeds of the medal “For courage”.
Military experts and historians say that the exploits of the namesake of the führer rightly deserved award. But in the beginning of the great Patriotic war of the heroic deeds rewarded modestly. Later achievements of the red army began to be appreciated above. Given that Simon has killed many of the enemy soldiers managed to retreat to the nation, spent the entire set of ammunition and left their guns, he could get the order if all these events occurred in the period from 1943 to 1945.
Change of name or a typo?
the awards list with a detailed description of the feat of the red army and his curriculum vitae testifies to the awarding of the medal “Hitler Semyon Konstantinovich”. However, later printed the letter “R” was hand-corrected to “in”. Military historians consider two versions. The first – a trivial typo, the second – the desire to save the hero from the hated Soviet man and became a household name.
the Life of Hitler-Gitlow after the war
After the liberation of Khmelnytskyi oblast from the Nazis surviving relatives Seeds hastened to change the name. Just like in the award document, “R” turned into the letter “V”. Over time orininsky Halevy emigrated to Israel. In a big family to this day tells the legend of how the German occupiers did not dare to destroy the Jews-namesakes of his Fuhrer.
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