Unusual white rails cause confusion for travelers. In the network wild rumors: a rust protection are circulating? Against Weed? Lime? All wrong. The White is a heat protection. It aims to reduce the rail temperature. In Italy there are white rails for a while, is since recently also in Switzerland. Now rails have been in the Bavarian town of Würzburg tram whitewashed.

“On very hot days, we have measured previously on the rails 60 degrees Celsius”, says Jürgen Dorn Berger, the spokesman for the Wuerzburg Verkehrs-GmbH. Due to the heat, the rails expanded; the pressure to move the tracks. When the heat is high at the beginning of July have proven to be the color of The tracks had been to eight degrees cooler. It was not a special color; only the color acting as such.

heat wave in Germany Deep “Vincent” brings a Thunderstorm, windstorm and hail cities up to ten degrees warmer than surrounding areas,

With a similar goal of Los Angeles in 2017, has begun to make the streets bright. The project “Cool Pavement” (cooler road surface) will reduce according to the roads heat-related deaths and energy consumption of air-conditioning systems. Also for houses, experts advise to bright surfaces. Bright colors, the back radiation, the so-called Albedo increase. “Not for nothing, there is in Greece such as Santorini, especially white houses,” says Stefan Emeis, Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT). Also, heat-resistant materials are being tested.

California and Greece have long been hot areas. However, German cities are coming under increasing heat stress. Roads and buildings can save the heat is particularly strong. In addition, people and vehicles produce additional heat. Also the rain can drain away bad verse, to evaporate and the air to cool. In cities of up to ten degrees warmer than in the surrounding areas, the German weather service (DWD).

Berlin has already begun last summer to spray the streets to cool off. The street sprinkler has been previously tested, among other things, in Paris. Similar to the airport Hannover went ahead after the runway was torn up due to excessive heat.

Hot nights showers, drinking, fan: heat expert explains how to stay in tropical nights-cool

How to rotate and turn – 25 degrees in the bedroom to Sleep alone is a real challenge. In an Interview with the star, an expert, what happened to the ceiling in tropical temperatures above and below the bed – and how to stay in a hot, nights cool.

From Jan Sägert trees, plants, and water surfaces dimming heat

the climate changes, the Problem is continuously greater. The Federal environment Agency predicts periods of increased heat. In addition, more and more people move to the cities. Especially for the elderly and sick people, as well as for small children, the heat is critical.

against the heat Islands to proceed, experts recommend more Green and Blue in urban design: More trees, grass and plants, and more water areas. Through the Portal Incas of the German weather service, municipalities can figure out what is most you the. The Federal Institute for construction, urban and spatial research (BBSR), developed in addition to suitable information for cities in a Toolbox with examples for climate-friendly renovations.

The city of Essen, for example, the site of a former Krupp factory transformed partially into a Park. “Especially in the Ruhr area has changed a lot,” says Wolfgang Major, environmental officer at the Federal Association of garden, landscape and sports field construction (BGL).


the Green roofs of the Eco-houses of the architect Frei Otto in Berlin’s city centre: Every spot that is not concreted over, will help cities cool off.

©Stephanie Pilick, DPA, cities begin to transform roofs into green areas

A municipality, the actions would seem necessary, is the Bavarian Kitzingen. The 90,000 inhabitants of the municipality was in the past years, the hottest city in Germany. The Thermometer exceeded the 40-degree mark. Counter-measures, however, are only in the planning stage. The city wants to plant, according to a spokesperson, more trees. “But at the expense of Parking.” And concern for conflicts.

It could, alternatively, unused areas to be turfed. In the Dutch city of Utrecht, according to media reports, the roofs of Bush have been transformed into meadows in flower. Some German cities have tram turf routes sown or are considering it, at least – such as Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Mainz. Mainz greenery, the facade of a Parking garage – Parking space and Green don’t bite. A number of cities such as Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hannover and Stuttgart to promote private planting. Düsseldorf has recently counted the number of green roofs. As of October, there were 2861 – 3.3 percent of all roof surfaces.

study of the University of Bern climate change has always existed – why this is different than all previously road, irrigation increases the humidity of the air in the event of extreme weather

Many of the measures are still in testing. Because they are not without risk. Heller street asphalt can be, according to scientists in the production are harmful to the environment than conventional Asphalt. In addition, all-white houses and streets could dazzle and the formation of ozone close to the ground increase, says KIT researcher Emeis. Also, more pollutants could be according to Emeis on the negative side: In the case of dense trees, and more Cool air rise velvet pollutants worse.

For more green and also requires more water when it is dry is problematic. Also in façade greening, there are limitations. “This only works for new buildings is economically good,” says Jürgen Eppel from the Institute for urban green and landscaping of the Bavarian state Institute for viticulture and horticulture (LWG). Because the planting must fit with the building along with Material and structural analysis.

criticism of the Berlin street sprinkling has also met. The weather expert and meteorology-entrepreneur Jörg tile man tweeted that the “funny idea” increase the Humidity and it will allow “a bit nasty”.

climate in the city It’s the concepts

calculations of how the city’s climate, with and without the urban adjustment is missing there are several. Similarly, guidelines and ideas on what you could do. But the implementation, no comprehensive approach seems to be far less. “At the Moment, God and the world on climate-friendly cities talk of the policy”, says BGL-speaker Large. But he suspects the involvement of the politicalik funds for digitization fade rate, and at the end no more money to stay for the city of green left.

Other obstacles as a financial researcher sees Emeis: architects have to be willing to make compromises in their aesthetic ideas. And cities already existed. “If a city is completely rebuilt, you would have much greater freedom.” Useful around narrow streets no longer, so that the sun can get through. “But that is to make our traffic barely,” according to Emeis.


devout Muslims under the huge high-tech screens, the forecourt of the prophet’s mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia span. The shade is made of a light special material have been developed in Germany.

DPA to make Shady alleys in Germany

In Mediterranean and Arab cities are to be shaded streets everyday. Here there are even more Creative: In the saudi Arabian Medina mosque to protect visitors from giant parasols. The United Arab Emirates recognized according to Emeis on wind towers. “The towers suck the warm air out of the city out to the top.”

ideas from one Region can, however, not necessarily transferred to others. Even within Germany, not, says, BBSR-staff Fabian Dosch. “Each city needs to set its own accents.” Or as it is expressed in KIT-researchers Emeis: “to fortify A city really well against heat, is not trivial.”

dho / Vanessa Könecke / REUTERS topics in this article weather, climate change, heat of Berlin, Germany Hannover, Würzburg, Stuttgart, Mainz, Düsseldorf, New in Panorama +++ Ticker +++ News today investigation after a fire in the gazebo: a murder attempt on AfD-local politicians? DPA display in star journey of the worlds Sicily in the spring with flight and half Board assails from € 899,- news from Germany Masked robbers and captivates pastor in the parish house

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