Photo credit: the telegram-channel “Moscow 24”
In Voronezh two people were hospitalized with symptoms of SARS after a trip to China. The condition of one of patients is assessed as satisfactory, the second – moderate, RIA Novosti reported citing the head of the Department of health of the Voronezh region Alexander Schukin.
During hospitalization, the 55-year-old woman and 35-year-old man used a special means of anti-epidemic protection of special transports, the insulating module and the proper equipment of health care workers.
We took four cases of analysis, including “to exclude coronavirus” and sent them in Moscow and Novosibirsk. Now patients are in the infectious disease Department of the Voronezh regional children’s clinical hospital №2, where there are the boxes that prevent the spread of infection.
an Outbreak of coronavirus began in Wuhan at the end of 2019. Cases of infection have also been detected in South Korea, USA, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, France, Australia, Canada and Nepal.
currently, in China a new type of pneumonia infected more than 4.5 thousand people. More than 100 people were killed. 52 ill patient successfully treated and discharged from medical facilities.
Earlier it was reported that a group of researchers in Hong Kong have developed a vaccine against the coronavirus. However, to start to use it until after clinical trials, which could take months.
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