Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow
Residents of the capital reported about the possibility to register marriage in Russia Day. On it informs a portal of the mayor and Moscow government with reference to the acting head of the registry office of Moscow Svetlana Wheneva.
it is Noted that on 12 June in Moscow will be opened two Registrar.
“due To high demand of the residents we decided to open for Registrar’s office June 12. In Day of Russia to register a marriage will be Chiprovska Gagarin departments. Newlyweds are increasingly choosing for marriage celebrations and beautiful date,” explained Wheneva.
She noted that to apply for marriage registration in the capital’s registry offices can, both personally and on a single portal of public services.
“we have also Recently decided to convert the registry office into a special mode of operation, so everyone could get married in beautiful date – 2, 20 and 22 February. These days were chosen for the wedding more than 1,900 couples,” added Wheneva.
Moscow, the couple continue to choose a nice date for marriage. The most popular holidays – Valentine’s Day February 14, the Day of family, love and loyalty July 8, and Red hill. In addition, this year is popular for wedding date was February 2, because it reads the same both left to right and right to left.
the Day of Russia also remains a popular date for weddings. Last year 12 June, your marriage registered more than 70 pairs. When this ceremony was performed not only in a registry office, but also at the State Central Museum of contemporary history of Russia.
Earlier in the capital held the first night of marriage. From December 2019, the wedding Palace №1 began to work around the clock.
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