The candidate for the european elections for LaREM was recognized to have been featured on a list of affiliated unions to GUD and to the far right when she was at Sciences-Po. An information that revealed the journal Mediapart, and she had at first denied.

Summary Nathalie Loiseau candidate in the european Nathalie Loiseau : catholic and pro-FAM Nathalie Loiseau : the program LREM

[updated 23 April 2019 at 22h28] the head of The list LREM to the european it was close to the GUD ? It is a revelation which would be well-placed Nathalie Loiseau. Médiapart has disclosed that, when she was a young student at Sciences-Po, in 1984, it had joined the list of a trade union close to the GUD. The head of the list had to recognize a “mistake”, but has confirmed the information. According to the candidate Nathalie Loiseau, she would not have “not seen” then the affiliation to the extreme right of the union, called the Union of students of the right (UDS).According to médiapart, this union would be born “on the ashes of the GUD”. For the former in charge of european Affairs, it’s all a misunderstanding. It would have been “approached to participate in a list that wanted to accentuate the pluralism at Sciences Po, then almost non-existent, and who was looking for women”, and would not have to search further. Nathalie Loiseau is back on his first statements since the onset of the controversy. When the article came out, she had first denied the facts, before changing his statements, saying that she had “completely forgotten about this episode “.

This episode goes back to 1984, Nathalie Loiseau has then 20 years and is registered on this list in the context of the elections of the delegates of the students to the board of management to the joint commission of Science”. On the list in question, the student Union of the right (UDS), it is in the sixth position appears the name of Nathalie Ducoulombier, her maiden name, alongside Christophe Bay, which, according to Mediapart was the adviser of the FN during the campaign of Marine Le Pen to the presidential 2017.

Nathalie Loiseau : “true bullshit”

While Nathalie Loiseau he wanted to make a dam in the national Rally during the european elections, the one who was director of the ENA for more than four years explained, always with Mediapart. “At that moment, I was, after my overlap – because to be quite honest I had completely forgotten about this episode -, approached to participate in a list that wanted to accentuate the pluralism at Sciences Po, then almost non-existent, and searching at women. I said yes,” she says. And to add : “I probably should have a closer look at what it was”. On France Info this time, Nathalie Loiseau speaks of the “real bullshit” that have “been on a list where there were people from the extreme right”. “I would have had to investigate, I would have had to look at who were the other colistiers”, she says.

Nathalie Loiseau has resigned on the 27th of march from his post of minister of european Affairs. It has been invested in the stride, the head of the list LREM/MoDem for the european elections of 2019. An amazing array, as long as she is unaccustomed trays tv. “This is someone who is very good off camera, but in front of the goals, it is blocked”, admitted to a deputy on the radio RFI there is little. The media has reported that, since its response to Marine Le Pen, Nathalie Loiseau its follow-up coaching his team communication to appear more incisor in the face to the viewers. Until a role-play where his advisors were Marine Le Pen, but also Manon Aubry and François-Xavier Bellamy, who have been identified as the main opponents of the majority in this campaign.

Already a candidate in the european 30 years ago

This is not the first time that Nathalie Loiseau is on a list in the european elections. As reported by Le Parisien, in 1989, she was on the list “Initiative for a European Democracy”, when she was aged only 24 years. This list was led by Franck Biancheri, pro-european and one of the fathers of the Erasmus programme. It had submitted lists, and similar in Spain and the netherlands. Under the name of Nathalie Ducoulombier, she was in 49th place in this list pro-Europe, who had little ambition and who will finish last in the voting, with 0.17 percent of the vote. Of course, this severe defeat was not a setback staff for Nathalie Loiseau, who had no real desire to return to the european Parliament. It is something quite different today.

Nathalie Loiseau : feminist, pro-european, catholic and pro-FAM

Nathalie Loiseau is the result of environment rather traditional and conservative. But this did not prevent him to build over time a reputation as a woman of power, up to the Prize of the Woman of influence 2014 category policy. She has a long career in the diplomatic and administrative : the ministry of foreign Affairs, cabinet of Alain Juppé at the time when he was at the Quai Branly, the spokesman of the embassy of France in the United States at the time of the Iraq war… later, in 2011, she assumed the general management of the administration of the ministry of foreign Affairs. After his departure in 2012, she became the director of the National School of Administration. A position she held until 2017, where Edward Philip was appointed minister in charge of Affairs hadcurrent european.

If she worked for the government under Nicolas Sarkozy, Nathalie Loiseau is claimed, however, in 2012, “label-free” policy. Moreover, it has also made his own, during his long back, the fight for more equality between the sexes. She has long championed the cause of women in the media still very male and very stereotypical of diplomacy and administration. She has published in 2014 “Choose any”, a book in which she invites us to rethink the relationship of women with the work, the company, and the men. Claiming practicing catholic and accepted, it also said “not always agree with the official positions of the Church.” It is particularly favorable to gay marriage, to the LDCS and, as a very personal, recourse to a GPA of “ethics”. “I am against the commodification of the body. But I don’t see why there is concern about the commodification of the body when it comes to GPA, and we do not ask in what conditions works a labourer in Bangladesh who has 12 years”, she advanced on RTL last February.

Nathalie Loiseau : “My ambition is to make a difference in Parliament,”

In an interview given to the Figaro, Nathalie Loiseau does not hide his ambition. Committed “since adolescence” for Europe, it seems decided to get a place in Strasbourg. “My ambition is to make the difference in the european Parliament, to have a powerful group essential to advance our ambitions,” she said.

Pascal Canfin figure in the second position of the list written by Nathalie Loiseau, composed of politicians and citizens. Three great topics, very general, are at the center of the program LREM : the social, the environment, and immigration. At the beginning of the month of march, Emmanuel Macron had referred to several projects for a “european renaissance”, a slogan taken up by the list of the majority. Among the proposals, notably the creation of a european Agency for the protection of democracies, a european bank climate, a new treaty of security and defence or even the revamping of the Schengen area.

Nathalie Loiseau has also made it known that she was planning to find many supporters in the european Parliament. She hopes to find some support among the parliamentarians of the center-left and liberal right. In Figaro, she announces to rely on “those who want to transform Europe among the democrats, the liberals, among the social-democrats, […] among the elected representatives of the european people’s Party (EPP)”. It also hopes to build on the ALDE party, the european centre for liberal, which is already part of the IDU. An opportunity to enter for european training, which has now 70 seats. According to the latest surveys on the european elections, LREM is currently credited 23.5% of voting intentions, is a twenty seat.

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