Nikolai Godovikov: what did Petro of

Biography 19/03/20/f “White sun of the desert”Nikolay Godovikov: what did Petro of “White sun of the desert”

the Famous film “White sun of the desert” is remembered by many. The film has been removed in the distant 1970, but is still popular among youth and aged people. That’s what the movie shows Russian cosmonauts before launch.

But Nicholas Godovikov, who played the role of Petrucci in this famous film, link c is not the most pleasant memories. After all, his fate after the shooting was not the best way. He had to face poverty, betrayal and even to visit a few years behind bars.

Acting debut

As a young man yearlings was looking forward to a good acting career and a bright future. The first role he got in the famous film “Republic SHKID”, where he played the waif. The film’s success attracted attention to the young actor Vladimir Motyl. As a consequence, a new role in the movie “Zhenya, Zhenya and “Katyusha”.

Nicholas Joy knew no bounds, because he was invited by one of the most outstanding filmmakers! Soon, however, disaster struck. During the rehearsal of one scene of the film yearlings badly injured leg. Followed by surgery and a long recovery. Nicholas thought about a career as an actor he will have to forget because the wound for too long gave o an effect.

yearlings and he has a problem of lack of money, had to get a job in a factory. Soon, however, he received a call c offer to star in “the White sun of the desert”. The young actor was on the set c broken face. The injuries he received due to his negligence in trying to ride a horse. However, in the dressing room was quickly put in order.

the First time

After starring in the film yearlings has been serving in the army, got his wife, who soon bore him a daughter. After demobilization the offer to play in the movie ceased, and Nicholas had to take any job just to feed his family. All efforts were in vain, because soon he was announced the verdict of “parasitism”. One of the most influential persons from the film industry had not stood up for Nicholas, he had to stay in one of the “infinite” areas – Yablonevka.

Although yearlings was not afraid and was ready to stand up for themselves at any cost, he was lucky. The local authority stepped in and forbade anyone to touch it. So uneventful a young actor he did his first term.

a breath of air in freedom and a new release

Released into the wild Nicholas learned that his wife left him, a friends turned betrayers. He got a referral for a new job, but expect new problems. To rent a house in the dormitory it was necessary to make a registration and to be registered in the military. A registration is required registration. A vicious circle.

yearlings met c thieves-recidivists, and embarked on the path of the criminal, crime because society accepted it much better than the state. During the first attempt to commit theft together with his accomplices and “swept”. The new penalty for “Petrucci” – 4 years in prison near Vologda.

the Second attempt to build a career in the film and a new family

Fear again take up the old, yearlings after will not hear from his criminal friends. And suddenly he had the chance to demonstrate his acting talent. To his surprise, the return took the c enthusiasm. However, a new role in the movie “Blast request” almost cost him his life. Because of an error pyrotechnics, which were promptly seen, Nicholas could be adversely affected.

Life was getting better: working in film, comrades, a new love. In 1989, Nicola and Rima got married, a married couple soon had a son. But over time his acting popularity began to wane, to fight for the role has become increasingly difficult. Due to lack of funds had to look for a job. Poverty privèLa to the fact that the wife put Godovikova the door and he had to lead the life of a hobo.

using the co side of the crime boss

a Former actor, remained nothing, except how to re-contact the criminal world. But the new conspirators framed him, a term had to do in Vladimir. While still in prison Nicholas was acquainted with Michael – a local crime boss c real name Mikhail Shapkin. Asserts itself yearlings, Shapkin he helped after area.

Going into the wild “petruha” met her true destiny – Lyudmila, which Nicholas calls his “guardian angel”. That c her he was destined to live much of their lives and finally find happiness. He soon found a good job and even got a small role in the play. Lyudmila helped Godovikova again start to trust people and truly enjoy life.

Russian Seven

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