As I Piëch, Ferdinand met almost two decades ago for the first Time, he stood alone at a table in Geneva. He had a look at the new Volkswagen and Audi models, which were presented in a hall. Now the Show was over, and his Manager, flocked to the stage. He, the boss of the group, stayed behind with a glass of water. Piëch was no one for socializing, none who loved the fray. He bore it. And he was not one whose company was sought.

conversations with him were tough, but not because he had nothing to say had. He wondered just exactly what he wanted to say and did a very precise. Often you had to endure minutes of long speech pauses until the answer to a question came up. He felt the apparently unusual.


Ferdinand Piëch (archive picture of 2014) is at the age of 82 in Rosenheim

©Julian Strat deceased Schulte DPA Ferdinand Piëch said a word too much

What he said was often sharp, and sometimes even icy. Presented with a rather friendly-sounding, easy-to-Austrian accent, but it is always hard in the thing. Phrases like chiseled, without a word too much.

Legendary VW Patriarch Ferdinand Piëch – farewell to a century-Manager, DPA,

Interviews with Ferdinand Piëch were ready for printing, and there have been rare cases in which he corrected himself. One of them – Piëch was then after nine years at the Volkswagen group head of it Chairman of the Supervisory Board, was one of his successors. The was “a bit soft”, he had said. I would think that he slipped in a Moment of carelessness out. But the successor was sitting there at the Interview. And even if the record was deleted by him later, it meant the end of career of the Manager. He was only a few months in office.

It was said in the case of VW, Piëch know distrust everything

His dealings with subordinates coined before all things: Piëch controlled their performance time to time without notice, installed former flagship police officers as security chiefs, the internal Affairs bodies of troops. It was said in the group, Piëch knew everything. And who was doing something wrong and get caught, either way.

As recently in the case of Volkswagen of a decades-long culture of fear was spoken, allowing the Diesel scandal, only, thought to lead many to Ferdinand Piëch and his kind, developers, at the edge of a nervous breakdown, for example, if he tortured a hand-made engine prototypes for so long at full throttle, until he was broken – just because he wanted to know when this happened.

He stayed with all the scandals witness

Nevertheless, he remained in all disasters, the Volkswagen in his time as CEO and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, experienced, strange, foreign, Never, there was a strong connection to him, neither during the red-light scandal, in the works councils and managers on the company’s brothels visited, nor in the Diesel. Board members ended up in jail, he remained in the role of witnesses, who emphasized in his statements to always be betrayed been. And no one disagreed.

As a co-owner of the Volkswagen group, he was a magnate, one of the most powerful car. But he absent-rode with his family, from rose, from 2015, the company and broke off the contact for such a long time that the closest relatives tried yet on Monday in vain to get the confirmation of the death of the journalist calls were heard.

Major car man with unfinished work

With Ferdinand Piëch is one of the most important car men of German history. Without him, the Volkswagen group would not exist in its present Form. And also the Diesel had probably never witnessed such a triumph, would be Piëch’t been convinced as much by the TDI. All wheel drive, aluminum design, A-Liter cars, and drives with 1001 HP – all of which he won.

And yet his work remains strangely unfinished. Because of all the squabbles, but also because of its strong connection to the internal combustion engine, which acts in times of E-mobility and Carsharing odd yesterday’s.

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